RTL-Compiler [read in the Netlist]

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by ldm, Jan 24, 2006.

  1. ldm

    ldm Guest

    How can I read in a veriolg Netlist into the RTL-Compiler?

    Actually, I'd like to read a Netlist, which contain timing information
    as well (something like a *.db file).

    How can I do so?
    ldm, Jan 24, 2006
  2. ldm

    nandigits Guest

    If the RTL-compiler you are referring is simulation tool like VCS or
    verilog-xl, you can use $sdf_annotate task in your test bench. SDF file
    has the timing information.
    Or, if you only want to find out delay of a cell or between cells, you
    can try GOF, Gates-On-the-Fly from NanDigits.
    GOF can load netlist with SDF file, and you can check timing
    information when browser the netlist.
    A link is here

    Netlist Debug/ECO in GUI mode
    nandigits, Jan 25, 2006
  3. ldm

    ldm Guest

    I only want to know how to read a Netlist inside the RTL-Compiler. I
    need an exact command.
    ldm, Jan 25, 2006
  4. ldm

    ldm Guest

    It seems the 'read_hdl -v2001' command is used to read a RTL code, not
    a Netlist

    Actually, I need to read the Netlist...
    ldm, Jan 30, 2006
  5. ldm

    ldm Guest

    It seems the "read_hdl -v2001" command is used to read a RTL code, not
    a Netlist

    I need to read a Netlist...
    ldm, Jan 30, 2006
  6. ldm

    mk Guest

    So you tried it and it didn't work ?

    If you have the definitions of the gates either through a library or a
    set of modules, there is no difference.
    mk, Jan 30, 2006
  7. ldm

    Paulbill Guest

    read_hdl -structural

    for 5.2

    Paulbill, Feb 3, 2006
  8. ldm

    ldm Guest

    Thanks, I'll try it
    ldm, Feb 5, 2006
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