Routing - No Valid Configuration Found

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by timmy_p, May 14, 2008.

  1. timmy_p

    timmy_p Guest

    I am running into an error message that "No valid configuration could
    be found for this pipe". This happens when I try to use tubing I
    created. I checked the design table, and it looks like I've followed
    the correct format. Has anyone had this happen and figured out what
    to do?
    timmy_p, May 14, 2008
  2. timmy_p

    timmy_p Guest

    SWx Tech Support found the problem. I didn't define the fitting's
    CPoint properly. It must be the same Nominal Diameter as the tube you
    will use.

    The Use Specification check box under the Parameters box in the Route
    Properties didn't seem to have any effect on what tubing can be used
    (having the box cleared didn't override the CPoint nominal diameter).

    Even with this sorted out, however, I get another error saying:

    "Routing fittings could not be created for these segments"

    I am using SWx 2006.
    timmy_p, May 15, 2008
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