Routine doesn't work anymore...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Max Lorenz, Sep 10, 2003.

  1. Max Lorenz

    Max Lorenz Guest

    Years and years ago (Around 1990) I got TXEDIT.LSP - I probably typed it in
    from Cadalyst or Cadence. It would prompt for selection of text within
    AutoCAD; then shell to a word processor or text editor for editing the text.
    After saving the text file and exiting the editor, it would update the text
    in the drawing.

    It required an entry in my Acad.pgp in order to launch the editor (My editor
    of choice is now PFE32 - It used to be PEDIT - the DOS-based editor that
    behaved just like Word Perfect:


    The way it used to work, was that while I was shelled out to my editor, the
    execution of the LISP would stop until the shell was exited, then the text
    would update.
    Now, It works correctly, up to the point of selecting the text, writing the
    text file and launching PFE32 with the extracted text in it, but now when I
    try to save the edited text file, I get the message, "Unable to open C:\Land
    Projects 3\EDITOR to save changes". I also noticed that the shell is not
    staying open while the editor is up. The routine finishes running instead
    of waiting to complete and update.

    I also noticed that I can not delete the two files created by TXEDIT: EDITOR
    and HANDLE - I get a sharing violation (Files not closed properly).

    I suppose that the structure of the shell has changed.

    Can anyone help me get this completely invaluable routine working? It
    worked in R2000.

    I would use this routine for all different kinds of time-saving tasks, since
    PFE has great macro capabilities.

    I am running LDT3.

    Thanks a lot, folks!
    Max Lorenz, Sep 10, 2003
  2. Max Lorenz

    Max Lorenz Guest

    Robert, I must at this time, tip my hat to you.
    I have been wrestling with this for months to no avail.
    Less than one hour after I posted, you answered my question.

    It works perfectly now!

    Thanks for your prompt help.

    Max Lorenz, Sep 10, 2003
  3. Glad I could help.
    R. Robert Bell, Sep 10, 2003
  4. Max Lorenz

    david Guest

    Hey Max,

    I do the same type of stuff. I've got an old ACAD 10 text editor that I
    use to bring in text files that are too big for MTEXT to handle. It also
    juggles case just like ctrl,shift, U in mtext, changes justification,
    handles tables of text objects because OLE occasionally bites monkeys. Heck
    the pesky thing edits text in blocks and attributed text not bad for old

    have a great day and remember just because something is old doesn't make it
    david, Sep 10, 2003
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