rounding off a value

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by caderudite, Sep 12, 2003.

  1. caderudite

    caderudite Guest

    hello people, want to round off a value to it's nearest integer. like i want 5.85 to become 6 and 5.25 become 5. Fix is converting to 5 whether it's 5.25 or 5.95. thanks
    caderudite, Sep 12, 2003
  2. caderudite

    Mark Propst Guest

    (setq x 4.4)

    (fix(+ 0.5 x))


    like RK said, check the previous knowlege base on this - it's out there

    "caderudite" <> wrote in message news:...

    adding 0.5 seems very easy
    ex: (Setq x 4.5)
    (fix (+ 0.5 x))
    Mark Propst, Sep 12, 2003
  3. caderudite

    Joe Burke Guest

    ;;by Doug Broad
    (defun round (value to)
    (setq to (abs to))
    (* to (fix (/ ((if (minusp value) - +) value (* to 0.5)) to)))

    Command: (round 5.25 1)
    Command: (round 5.85 1)
    Command: (round 5.85 1.0)

    Note: if the value suppied to the "to" argument is a real, a real is returned.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Sep 12, 2003
  4. caderudite

    Kenny Guest

    An Improved version to (FIX)

    rounds numbers to either upper or lower value.

    (AutoLISP native function FIX always rounds

    numbers to the nearest lower integer).


    (defun fixx (realnum)

    (if (> realnum (+ (fix realnum) 0.5))

    (setq realnum (1+ (fix realnum)))

    (setq realnum (fix realnum))





    Examples :

    (fixx 1.3) returns 1

    (fixx 1.6) returns 2 (AutoLISP's FIX would have returned 1)

    (fixx 1.50000001) returns 2

    (fixx 1.49999999) returns 1

    (fixx 1.49999999999) returns 1

    (fixx 1.50000000001) returns 2

    (fixx 0.0001) returns 0

    (fixx 0.9999999) returns 1

    "caderudite" <> wrote in message news:...

    hello people, want to round off a value to it's nearest integer. like i want 5.85 to become 6 and 5.25 become 5. Fix is converting to 5 whether it's 5.25 or 5.95. thanks
    Kenny, Sep 12, 2003
  5. caderudite

    Joe Burke Guest


    Command: (fixx 1.2)
    Command: (fixx 1.7)
    Command: (fixx -1.2)
    Command: (fixx -1.7)
    -1 < oops

    Command: (round -1.7 1)

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Sep 12, 2003
  6. allows rounding to specified place.

    (defun rnd (num place)
    (if (numberp num)
    (if (zerop place)
    (fix (distof (rtos num 2 0)))
    (distof (rtos num 2 place))

    Ken Alexander
    Windows2000 Prof.

    "We can't solve problems by using the same kind
    of thinking we used when we created them."
    --Albert Einstein

    like i want 5.85 to become 6 and 5.25 become 5. Fix is converting to 5
    whether it's 5.25 or 5.95. thanks
    Ken Alexander, Sep 12, 2003
  7. caderudite

    Joe Burke Guest


    If you are still checking this thread, and you are interested in a fix for fixx
    dealing with negative numbers. Take a look at the function Ken posted. The
    rounding function is rtos. The string is converted back to a number using
    distof. That could also be done with atoi or atof depending on what you want the
    function to return. Notice there's no math involved. Which avoids a bunch of
    complexity given what fixx is trying to do.

    ;; your function
    (defun fixx (realnum)
    (if (> realnum (+ (fix realnum) 0.5))
    (setq realnum (1+ (fix realnum)))
    (setq realnum (fix realnum))

    ;; alternative
    (defun fixx (realnum)
    (atof (rtos realnum 2 0))

    Offered with the thought it isn't fair to criticize, without providing a

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Sep 13, 2003
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