Round all polylines to nearest Z value

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by antoniomiranda, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. Hello,

    I need to make one selectionset to all lines (lines and polylines) and round them to nearest Z value.

    How can i do that?

    Best regards,
    Antonio Miranda

    PS- I'm new in this world of VBA.
    antoniomiranda, Jan 21, 2004
  2. antoniomiranda

    Mark Propst Guest

    What do you have so far? I don't have time to write the whole thing but
    I'll try to help.
    Do you have your selection set code done yet?
    Can you post what you have and we'll try to flesh it out?
    The rounding function I sent you the other day should take care of the
    rounding part.
    This should get you going with the selection set part...if you don't already
    have that.

    'this function courtesy of Frank Oquendo -

    Public Function CreateSelectionSet(Optional ssName As String = "ss") As

    Dim ss As AcadSelectionSet

    On Error Resume Next
    Set ss = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets(ssName)
    If Err Then Set ss = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add(ssName)
    Set CreateSelectionSet = ss

    End Function

    Sub RoundLinesZValue()

    Dim lineset As AcadSelectionSet
    Set lineset = CreateSelectionSet("lineset")

    Dim dxfcode(0) As Integer
    Dim dxfdata(0) As Variant

    dxfcode(0) = 0

    lineset.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , dxfcode, dxfdata

    Dim setcount As Integer
    setcount = lineset.count
    Debug.Print "there are " & setcount & " LINES, LWPLINES, OR PLINES in

    if setcount > 0 then
    'round z values here
    'use select case on object types to handle each one accordingly as
    end if

    End Sub
    Mark Propst, Jan 21, 2004
  3. antoniomiranda

    Mark Propst Guest

    ok, here's a start with lines, now maybe you can work out the plines and

    'this function courtesy of Frank Oquendo -

    Public Function CreateSelectionSet(Optional ssName As String = "ss") As

    Dim ss As AcadSelectionSet

    On Error Resume Next
    Set ss = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets(ssName)
    If Err Then Set ss = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add(ssName)
    Set CreateSelectionSet = ss

    End Function

    Sub RoundLinesZValue()

    Dim lineset As AcadSelectionSet
    Set lineset = CreateSelectionSet("lineset")

    Dim dxfcode(0) As Integer
    Dim dxfdata(0) As Variant

    dxfcode(0) = 0

    lineset.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , dxfcode, dxfdata

    Dim setcount As Integer
    setcount = lineset.count
    Debug.Print "there are " & setcount & " LINES, LWPLINES, OR PLINES in
    Dim oEntity As AcadEntity
    Dim startpoint As Variant
    Dim endpoint As Variant
    Dim newstartpoint(2) As Double
    Dim newstartpointZ As Double
    Dim newendpoint(2) As Double

    Dim oLine As AcadLine
    Dim oLWPline As AcadLWPolyline
    Dim oPline As AcadPolyline

    If setcount > 0 Then
    For Each oEntity In lineset
    Select Case TypeName(oEntity)
    Case Is = "IAcadLine"
    Debug.Print "line"
    Set oLine = oEntity

    startpoint = oLine.startpoint
    endpoint = oLine.endpoint
    Debug.Print "z startpoint begins: " & startpoint(2)
    Debug.Print "z endpoint begins: " & endpoint(2)
    newstartpointZ = SymArith(startpoint(2), 1)
    newstartpoint(0) = startpoint(0)
    newstartpoint(1) = startpoint(1)
    newstartpoint(2) = newstartpointZ
    oLine.startpoint = newstartpoint

    newendpointZ = SymArith(endpoint(2), 1)
    newendpoint(0) = endpoint(0)
    newendpoint(1) = endpoint(1)
    newendpoint(2) = newendpointZ
    oLine.endpoint = newendpoint
    startpoint = oLine.startpoint
    endpoint = oLine.endpoint
    Debug.Print "z startpoint ends: " & startpoint(2)
    Debug.Print "z endpoint ends: " & endpoint(2)

    Case Is = "IAcadPolyline"
    Debug.Print "Heavy pline"
    Set oPline = oEntity
    Debug.Print "Now fix Heavy pline"
    Case Is = "IAcadLWPolyline"
    Debug.Print "Light pline"
    Set oLWPline = oEntity
    Debug.Print "Now fix Light pline"
    Case Else
    Debug.Print TypeName(oEntity)
    Debug.Print "What's he doing here? "
    End Select
    End If
    End Sub

    'this function courtesty of;;Q196652
    Function SymArith(ByVal X As Double, Optional ByVal Factor As Double = 1) As
    SymArith = Fix(X * Factor + 0.5 * Sgn(X)) / Factor
    End Function
    Mark Propst, Jan 21, 2004
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