Rotate View in Paper/Layout Space

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Cadalot, Jun 9, 2005.

  1. Cadalot

    Cadalot Guest

    Hi Guys

    I'm using AutoCAD LT 2000i and I want to rotate the view in Paper
    /Layout Space whilst keeping the model and the X-Ref I'm using in the
    same position/ rotation in Model Space.

    Any idea's how I manage it ?


    Cadalot, Jun 9, 2005
  2. Cadalot

    strawberry Guest

    ms ucs z 90 plan current ps
    strawberry, Jun 9, 2005
  3. Cadalot

    Brian Guest

    Brian, Jun 10, 2005
  4. Cadalot

    Cadalot Guest

    Sorry Guys but you have not answered the question.

    DView works in Model Space....

    I want to keep Model space as it is

    I want to rotate the Image in the viewport in Paperspace without
    any effect to the model. I have seen a post where someone has
    done this before, but I can find it.
    Cadalot, Jun 10, 2005
  5. Cadalot

    Cadalot Guest

    This does not answer the question

    I want to keep the model the way round it is in Model Space

    I want to rotate the Image in Paper Space leaving the drawing
    in Model space alone.

    What you suggest does nothing to the Paper Space Image in the
    Cadalot, Jun 10, 2005
  6. Cadalot

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Use DVIEW / TWist inside a floating viewport in Paper Space. It will rotate
    the viewport's contents, but will *NOT* change anything in Model Space.
    Paul Turvill, Jun 11, 2005
  7. Cadalot

    Cadalot Guest

    Magic works like a charm.

    Thanks Paul

    Cadalot, Jun 12, 2005
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