Rotate to current UCS

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by keelo, Feb 8, 2005.

  1. keelo

    keelo Guest

    Is there a short way to rotate objects, mainly text, to the current UCS? I've been selecting the text, and entering a "0" value at the rotation cell in the properties dbox. This process is a little too long for me. I would prefer something at the command prompt rather than directing my pointer, then entering values. Painter is nice, but many times I have texts at different justifications. Thanks for any suggestions.
    keelo, Feb 8, 2005
  2. keelo

    Randall Culp Guest

    Randall Culp, Feb 9, 2005
  3. keelo

    keelo Guest

    Not really what I was looking for. Jay's lsp takes multiple pieces of text, holds their insertion poiints, and rotates to the current ucs without having to pick reference points. Select and enter...quick and easy...
    keelo, Feb 9, 2005
  4. keelo

    Allen Jessup Guest

    By all means use the lisp. I just wanted to mention that you can change the
    rotation of multiple text entities in the properties box. You don't have to
    change them 1 by 1.

    Allen Jessup, Feb 9, 2005
  5. keelo

    robbyj Guest

    what about TORIENT
    robbyj, Feb 10, 2005
  6. keelo

    Stephen R Guest

    What is TORIENT?

    Stephen R.
    Stephen R, Feb 10, 2005
  7. keelo

    robbyj Guest

    this may be LDT only command not sure. I don't have plane jane AutoCAD to check if this command works. I didn't think about this before posting (sorry)


    The below description is from the ldt 3 help file.

    Aligns text, mtext and block attribute objects to new orientation

    Rotates text, mtext, and attribute definition objects so that they end up being as close as possible to horizontal or right-read (similar to the behavior of dimension text). Objects are rotated about their middle point in 180-degree increments. For example, if the text is upside-down, it becomes right-side up after a TORIENT operation. Similarly, left-read text becomes right-read text. The overall object location is not changed. As an option, you can specify a new absolute orientation angle for all selected text objects.
    robbyj, Feb 10, 2005
  8. keelo

    keelo Guest

    Cool...I use ADT, and tried the "torient" command. That does work nicely. Just wish that worked for assoc dims.

    However, that lsp routine better suits my reference points to pick...and my ucs is always changing anyway.
    keelo, Feb 10, 2005
  9. keelo

    Graeme Guest

    torient is Express tools. In pull down it's Express>Text>Rotate text.

    Graeme, Feb 11, 2005
  10. keelo

    madcadd Guest

    Hi keelo,

    Posted by: keelo
    Date: Feb/08/05 - 14:14 (CST)

    Rotate to current UCS

    I know you now have and like Jay's "sqtext.lsp", but am just addressing your concern re: justification;

    With regards to text, PAINT will do EVERYTHING [EXCEPT] MATCH JUSTIFICATIONS. Whenever justification is your concern, paint away.
    madcadd, Feb 21, 2005
  11. keelo

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    <<I've been selecting the text, and entering a "0" value at the rotation cell in the properties dbox. This process is a little too long for me.>>

    You do realize that you can do this for multiple text selections at one time, right? Select 'em all, hit ctrl+1, change 'em all to 0.
    OLD-CADaver, Feb 21, 2005
  12. keelo

    madcadd Guest

    Reply From: OLD-CADaver
    Date: Feb/21/05 - 10:38 (CST)

    Re: Rotate to current UCS
    <<I've been selecting the text, and entering a "0" value at the rotation cell in the properties dbox. This process is a little too long for me.>>

    You do realize that you can do this for multiple text selections at one time, right? Select 'em all, hit ctrl+1, change 'em all to 0.

    I can't make ctrl+1 do squat here. So what else do I need to do? I'm attempting it 2002 without any luck. over
    madcadd, Mar 1, 2005
  13. keelo

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    CTRL+1 should pop the properties dialog box, then just change the rotation angle there once for all the selection set.
    OLD-CADaver, Mar 2, 2005
  14. keelo

    madcadd Guest

    Nope, don't work, but that's okay as I use "MO" and prefer it to ctrl+1....but I do like to learn new ways as well. Thanx fer the help.
    madcadd, Mar 2, 2005
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