Help. please. I need some slick help with this sweet idea. I need to draw a 3pt circle<c1> & capture the RADIUS to a variable (which must be rounded off to a 6" increment) and delete the circle<c1>. Then, I need to prompt the user to select an existing circle<c2>, single select only, and draw a 2pt circle<c3> from the 0-degree QUADRANT of the selected circle<c2> @ the RADIUS captured in the variable. Finally, I need to draw an identical circle<c4> from the 0-degree QUADRANT of the previous circle<c3> & delete circle<c3>. Now, having only circles <c2> & <c4> remaining on the screen, I need to enter into the rotate command & allow the user to rotate circle<c4> from the CENTER point of circle<c2> with the cursor until the user mouse clicks. I hope that I was clear enough in the description. I'll bet that this is not as difficult as it sounds but I'm still green when it comes to lisp. I have been trying to get this one right & I've learned a lot from this news group, but I don't know how to get the QUADRANT of a circle, or the RADIUS of a circle. I read some stuff about (POLAR) but didn't understand how to get the 0-degree QUADRANT. Please, someone looking for a challenge or just feeling generous even if I can invoke some pity, please help me. Thank you in advance for any and all help.