RomanS font???

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John23, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. John23

    John23 Guest

    I would like to know if someone experienced problems with the RomanS
    font. People here, all ACAD users, doesn't like the Century Gothic
    default font because it's to compact when scaled to fit from A1 to
    A3. The RomanS font doesn't come out well when printed on an A1
    sheet: it prints like an old dactylo machine lacking of ink.
    What could be the problem? Is there other recommanded fonts?
    And what about the diameter sign, it comes out in thin lines almost not
    visible no matter what font I use?
    John23, Jun 14, 2005
  2. John23

    mr.T Guest

    Looks like symbol's line thk. is controlled by "Line Weights" (Normal) in
    print menu
    if you want symbols really mach the text you can use Alt+0248 for ø (dia) ,
    Alt+248 for °(deg) and so on... but I do not recommend that.
    we do not have any problems with Century Gothic using 3/32" height , but
    instead drawing on larger sheet sizes C and D, and scaling it down we decide
    to lower the text size from 1/8" to 3/32" and fit every thing into A or B
    mr.T, Jun 14, 2005
  3. John23

    TOP Guest

    I have seen the RomanS font look good and bad. It depended on the
    printer. The higher the resolution, the worse it looked. RomanD helped.
    TOP, Jun 14, 2005
  4. John23

    matt Guest

    Are you sure you're not trying to print it in color? If you go to the
    page setup and turn the print settings to black and white, see if that
    doesn't fix the problem
    matt, Jun 15, 2005
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