Roland GRX400 pen plotter

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dave Alexander, May 7, 2004.

  1. My kid picked one up for a song.

    Does anyone have any windows drivers or any drivers or any thing that might
    help in getting it running with AutoCAD and XPhome or even win98 (still have
    a system on our home network).


    Dave Alexander
    Dave Alexander, May 7, 2004
  2. Have a look at WinLine at It says it supports the Roland GRX

    Kind regards,

    David Longmuir, May 7, 2004
  3. Thanks David.

    That is quite a site.
    I will bet there are quite a lot of other good things down under.

    Dave Alexander
    Dave Alexander, May 7, 2004
  4. The site that David Longmuir posted is a good one but they want $200.00 for
    the drivers.
    Now that is a little steep don't you think for an old pen plotter that has
    very limited commercial use?

    However, using a win98 system and R13, we (meaning my son) got it going.

    Oh well.

    Dave Alexander
    Dave Alexander, May 9, 2004
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