Hi, I'm stuck with the following code, Help needed Please........ I'm trying to align two instances using "rodAlign" command.(I referred "celltut" and "rodUser" manuals).I have given the sequence in which i created the cde: ;This is a code to get the ROD Object ID of a selected object procedure(getRODobj() cvId = deGetCellView() dbId = car(geGetSelectedSet(cvId)) rodId = rodGetObj(dbId) );proc ;After running the above procedure i got the ROD object ID's of the two instances as follows: obj1=getRODobj() obj2=getRODobj() ;Then i created a user defined Handle for the second ROD object rodCreateHandle( ?name "rightCenter" ?type "point" ?value obj2~>cR ;This i have used to get the midpoint of the right side of the instance ;the idea behind doing this is to align the "obj1" and "obj2" in such a way that the "rightCenter" of obj2 is aligned to "centerLeft" of obj1 ?rodObj obj2 ) ; end rodCreateHandle ;to align two ROD objects rodAlign( ?alignObj obj2 ?alignHandle "rightCenter";this should be the user defined handle ?refObj obj1 ?refHandle "centerLeft" ?maintain t ?xSep 0 ?ySep 0 ) By this i expected that the two ROD objects will be aligned with their boundaries touching each other...But in the layout they are not aligned and are separated quite far(approximately 70micrometer far) Can any body help me understand what is happening and what's the mistake that I'm doing... Regards, Lokesh rajendran