Right Clicking

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by CFHickey, Dec 21, 2004.

  1. CFHickey

    CFHickey Guest

    I am trying to get my POP500s comtext menus to work in my base menu file that I have loaded but it doesn't seem to want to work. I am not using the ACAD.mnu file as my base menu. I have made a customized menu that I use that loads first.The ACAD.mnu is just a secondary menu that is loaded. The reason behind this is because I don't want to have to redo the ACAD.mnu file every time I get a new version of AutoCAD so I made a base menu up myself and load that first.
    When I have "Shortcut menus in drawing area" unchecked, my customized right-click menus (GRIPS, CMDEFAULT, OSNAP) work out fine. Now, I check "Shortcut menus in drawing area" and the only thing that pops up when I right-click is my customized GRIPS menu. My SHORTCUTMENU's variable is at 11. MBUTTONPAN is at 0. All of the POP500s that were in the ACAD.mnu file I copyclipped to my base menu - GRIPS,CMDDEFAULT,CMEDIT,CMCOMMAND,etc.
    I have a profile in AutoCAD that was the first profile compiled when AutoCAD was first initiated and within that profile, all the right-click shortcut menus work out fine. That is using the ACAD.mnu file as my base menu. Now I try and us another base menu and copy exactly what the ACAD.mnu file had in it's POP500 section and the AUX section and nothing works. The two profiles are almost identical with the exception that one has the ACAD.mnu file as base and the other has my custom base menu. I also included an MNL file with my custom base menu. Is there anything else missing? Does AutoCAD put in some coding that the POP500s can only work right if it's menu is the first loaded? Do I need something in my MNL file to make the shortcuts work in AutoCAD? Do I/Can I modify a file that allows me to do what I want to do?

    CFHickey, Dec 21, 2004
  2. CFHickey

    Dommy2Hotty Guest

    Shortcutmenu 11 should be working fine. Please submit a sample of your code that should work but is not. Here is a sample of one of my context menus:

    [Context menu for Line Objects]
    [Change to Layer:]
    [PL-CAB]^C^C^C^Pselect;(setq nlay "PL-CAB");(setq col "9");(if(not(tblsearch "layer" nlay))+
    (command ".layer" "n" nlay "C" col nlay ""));_chprop;previous;;la;!nlay;;
    [PL-DOOR]^C^C^C^Pselect;(setq nlay "PL-DOOR");(setq col "9");(if(not(tblsearch "layer" nlay))+
    (command ".layer" "n" nlay "C" col nlay ""));_chprop;previous;;la;!nlay;;
    [PL-WALL]^C^C^C^Pselect;(setq nlay "PL-WALL");(setq col "10");(if(not(tblsearch "layer" nlay))+
    (command ".layer" "n" nlay "C" col nlay ""));_chprop;previous;;la;!nlay;;
    Dommy2Hotty, Dec 21, 2004
  3. CFHickey

    RichardG Guest

    Does it matter in what order these file are loaded? what if you change the
    order of loading to see if it makes a difference.
    And why is it important to have your menu load first?

    I assume you have renamed the menu group name at the top of your menu and
    have an .mnl with the same name
    (just need to ask)

    What version of Acad do you use? I have managed to do the same in 2005 with
    no problems
    All I did to the acad.mnu is to comment out
    GRIPS,CMDDEFAULT,CMEDIT,CMCOMMAND,etc and let the ones in my partial/custom
    menu do its work and have had no problems

    Sorry I can't be of more help but I guess the other idea is to post a
    condensed version of your menu
    (just to look at) and maybe some of can see if we get the same behaviour

    that I have loaded but it doesn't seem to want to work. I am not using the
    ACAD.mnu file as my base menu. I have made a customized menu that I use that
    loads first.The ACAD.mnu is just a secondary menu that is loaded. The reason
    behind this is because I don't want to have to redo the ACAD.mnu file every
    time I get a new version of AutoCAD so I made a base menu up myself and load
    that first.
    right-click menus (GRIPS, CMDEFAULT, OSNAP) work out fine. Now, I check
    "Shortcut menus in drawing area" and the only thing that pops up when I
    right-click is my customized GRIPS menu. My SHORTCUTMENU's variable is at
    11. MBUTTONPAN is at 0. All of the POP500s that were in the ACAD.mnu file I
    copyclipped to my base menu - GRIPS,CMDDEFAULT,CMEDIT,CMCOMMAND,etc.
    AutoCAD was first initiated and within that profile, all the right-click
    shortcut menus work out fine. That is using the ACAD.mnu file as my base
    menu. Now I try and us another base menu and copy exactly what the ACAD.mnu
    file had in it's POP500 section and the AUX section and nothing works. The
    two profiles are almost identical with the exception that one has the
    ACAD.mnu file as base and the other has my custom base menu. I also included
    an MNL file with my custom base menu. Is there anything else missing? Does
    AutoCAD put in some coding that the POP500s can only work right if it's menu
    is the first loaded? Do I need something in my MNL file to make the
    shortcuts work in AutoCAD? Do I/Can I modify a file that allows me to do
    what I want to do?
    RichardG, Dec 22, 2004
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