Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by handrasp, Mar 25, 2005.

  1. handrasp

    handrasp Guest

    Can anyone help to create a solid cone with a circular base? I always tend to make a right angled solid cone with an elleptical base. Please do help me. Thanks
    handrasp, Mar 25, 2005
  2. handrasp

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    What you're looking for is the elusive eccentric reducer. So far it can only be approximated in plain AutoCAD by routines like xtornd-demo posted by jochen. I think verticals like MDT can produce native eccentrics.
    OLD-CADaver, Mar 25, 2005
  3. handrasp

    Walt Engle Guest

    As I said earlier, you first post was not explicit. I have xtornd so if you want to give me the dimensions I will try to construct one for you.
    Walt Engle, Mar 25, 2005
  4. handrasp

    Walt Engle Guest

    No - that's not what he wanted. Look at his last post on Saturday.
    Walt Engle, Mar 28, 2005
  5. handrasp

    Biscuitnt Guest

    Sorry, i didnt know he wanted eccentric. stupid me , i should learn to read.
    will look into it, I havent solid modeled in vanilla acad for a many years,
    but will take a stab at it without MDT or Inventor.

    Biscuitnt, Mar 28, 2005
  6. handrasp

    Walt Engle Guest

    You can forget it - won't work in vanilla autocad. Tried it and also tried
    rndtornd. Right now I don't know how to make it a solid.
    Walt Engle, Mar 28, 2005
  7. to make a right angled solid cone with an elleptical base. Please do help
    me. Thanks

    Good news.. it's possible :)

    Bad news.. it's only just possible :-(

    Method, construct an over length cone with an elliptical base, with the
    ratio of the axes of the ellipse in the correct ratio dependant on the angle
    of the cone.

    Make a box or other object with a face at the correct angle to form the base
    of the cone and subtract it to cut the cone into a right angle.

    Assume you want a cone with height H and diameter D.

    Draw a line from 0,0 to 0,H to D,0 then a perpendicular to this long enough
    to intersect an extension of the first line segment.
    Extend the first segment to intersect the line and trim off at the
    Rotate this triangle about 0,H to get the mid point of the base on the Y
    Move the triangle until the mid point is at 0,0

    Call the cone command.
    use the elliptical option, and use the base of the triangle as one axis, and
    0,D to 0,-D as the other.
    use the height of the triangle as the cone height.

    Move the cone tip to 0,0,H
    Rotate the cone about 0,0,H in the XZ plane until one edge is at D,0 and
    the opposite edge is aligned with the Z axis.

    Use a suitable block with a face on the XY plane to SUBTRACT off the
    unwanted lower part of the cone.


    Barnes's theorem; for every foolproof device
    there is a fool greater than the proof.

    To reply remove AT
    Jonathan Barnes, Mar 29, 2005
  8. handrasp

    handrasp Guest

    Hey what is "rngtornd" anyway? Is it a commang in autocad or just a system variable?

    Up to now nobody has any bright idea making an eccentric "solid" cone. =)
    handrasp, Mar 29, 2005
  9. SORRY

    I got the details of making the cone wrong, the X Z plane is O.K. but the Y
    needs more work.

    The method outline is sound, and I have a method working... but to limit the
    possibility of embarrassing myself again I will be taking a little more time
    and checking it again before I post it.

    Barnes's theorem; for every foolproof device
    there is a fool greater than the proof.

    To reply remove AT
    Jonathan Barnes, Mar 29, 2005
  10. ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Jonathan Barnes" <>
    Newsgroups: autodesk.autocad.drafting
    Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 2:53 AM

    What I have is a procedure that *should* draw the required 'cone', when I
    ran it, there was an error of 1%... either my geometry is out, or stacking
    up of small errors has made this rather large error.

    ( for practical use a slight tweak scaling line 8 could produce a corrected
    result... )

    O.K. here goes.

    draw line 1 from 0,H to D,0.
    draw circle 1 centre 0,H, rad length of line 1.
    draw line 2 from D,0 to bottom quadrant of circle1.
    draw line 3 from 0,H through the mid point of line 2 to circle 1.
    Mirror line 3 about the X axis, to form line 4.
    draw line 5 between the ends of lines 3 and 4 ( 3+4+5 = triangle 1 ).
    Copy triangle 1 so triangle 2 has the centre of it's base at 0,0.
    draw circle 2 centred at the tip of triangle 2, passing through the
    intersections of
    the base of triangle 2 and the sides of triangle 1.
    draw line 6 1/2 D long, from the bottom quadrant of circle 2 parallel to the
    x axis.
    move line 6 up by the distance between the triangles.
    draw construction line 1 from the top of triangle 2 through the end of line
    draw line 8 from 0,0 along the x axis to the intersection with the
    construction line.
    Rotate line 8 -90 degrees about 0,0
    Start cone, elliptical,
    use the ends of line 5 as one axes, and the end of line 8 to define the
    define the height as the distance from 0,0 to the tip of triangle 2.
    rotate the UCS 90 about the X axes.
    rotate the base of triangle 2 90 about it's tip
    ( orbit to get better view point )
    rotate the cone about it's tip, use the top of the rotated base as a
    return the UCS to it's original orientation.
    move the cones tip to 0,0,H.
    draw a large circle centred at 1/2D,0
    extrude the circle down for H
    subtract the cylinder from the cone.

    WHEW... :)

    check for any error on the y axis length, scale line 8 appropriately before
    repeating the creation of a new cone.....

    anyone want to program this ?


    Barnes's theorem; for every foolproof device
    there is a fool greater than the proof.

    To reply remove AT
    Jonathan Barnes, Mar 29, 2005
  11. handrasp

    madcadd Guest

    Hi Igor,

    I can see Iggy that you are miffed a bit. (Can I call you Iggy?) No Iggy is short for Ignatius. Guess I'll jus' call you 'E'. You didn't like my RE (above) and OC has jabbed at you a couple of times still related to another thread, SO you feel you have to poke back. Human nature. Hence your snotty RE. Or is that snooty? I don't know. BUT;

    1) it remains (for the time being at least) undoable.
    2) what you and the OP produced were and STILL are not true right angled solid cones with a circular base.

    Yours is a polygon mesh and when exploded, you have 50 triangular 3D Faces with no right angles. And as I've stated before, a very nice looking "SURFACE MODEL". You could have 360 triangular 3D Faces and it would appear even better than now. But, it is still a surface model, NOT a solid model.

    Now I am not (obviously not) a scientist / mathematician to be able to explain mathematically why this is so. And I think, why can't I take a perfect cylinder say 6" in diameter and 3" in height (same proportions as your model (100 x 50) and start whittling away and finally arrive at that perfect right angle cone? Why can't I do it in Cad? Donno! Just can't! Not smart enough I guess.

    But keep pluggin' away and keep us posted when you achieve (or believe you have) that outcome.
    madcadd, Apr 8, 2005
  12. handrasp

    PietM Guest

    If you explode the figure you get at the end for the base 'circle':


    ELLIPSE Layer: "0"
    Space: Model space
    Color: 4 (cyan) Linetype: "BYLAYER"
    Handle = b0e
    Area: 11.5018
    Circumference: 12.0223
    Center: X = 0.0000 , Y = 0.0000 , Z =
    Major Axis: X = 0.0000 , Y = -1.9134 , Z =
    Minor Axis: X = -1.9134 , Y = 0.0000 , Z =
    Radius Ratio: 1.0000

    I already had that a long, long time ago...... : P
    PietM, Apr 8, 2005
  13. handrasp

    CADgurl Guest

    AH well, Kudos for trying. If I read anymore of this, You'll have me in this too.
    Good luck!
    CADgurl, Apr 8, 2005
  14. handrasp

    CADgurl Guest

    The Following is a response from Co-Worker. Don't shoot the messenger.
    Quote begins now

    "It sounds to me like you are a real productive guy in your workplace, to be so perfect. Here in the real world, we use measurements and rounding to required precision. It doesn't matter what manufacturing Industry you're in, thats how its done, and no measurement is perect.
    You also failed to note the cone is not perfectly round as asked for, rather its of eliptical properties but this is as good as it gets. Hey I'm not perfect, Just Highly paid. Have fun with your little conundrum."
    End Quote

    **runs out of the forum quickly** as to avoid any tomatoe throwing :)~
    CADgurl, Apr 8, 2005
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