
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Michael, Apr 27, 2004.

  1. Michael

    Michael Guest

    How do I create some ribs around a pipe?
    Mick Carey
    Michael, Apr 27, 2004
  2. The first thing that comes to mind is to sweep a profile. Unfortunately you
    didn't say if the ribs go around the pipe, or down the length of it. But
    either way, I would think that a sweep would be the place to start.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 27, 2004
  3. Michael

    Andrew Troup Guest


    you have to tell us a bit more: what profile are the ribs? are they parallel
    to the pipe axis, if not, how are they disposed? Is the pipe straight, if
    not, how is it shaped?

    PS - Hope you didn't want to use the rib tool. I've not yet met anyone who
    claims fully to understand it

    keep him away from the rib tool


    break his thumb if you have to .............

    (sorry, couldn't help myself)

    aaaaaghhhhh, he's trying the rib tool !
    Andrew Troup, Apr 27, 2004
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