Ribs in Sections

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Fred H, May 10, 2004.

  1. Fred H

    Fred H Guest

    Typically, ribs / webs are not hatched in cross-sectional drawing
    views. SW seems to ignore this. In Acad I can explode & edit hatching,
    but I don't seem to have that option in SW.
    Has anyone developed a "workaround" to un-hatch ribs?
    Fred H, May 10, 2004
  2. Fred H

    kenneth b Guest

    rmb on hatch, crosshatch properties..., select "none" & apply to body
    kenneth b, May 10, 2004
  3. Fred H

    Andrew Troup Guest

    Has anyone developed a "workaround" to un-hatch ribs?

    To which I would add: convert the edges (into the drawing, each view behaves
    as though it was a sketch) of the lines representing edges of the body other
    than the rib, which define the outline of the area(s) which (I assume) you
    still want hatched. Add lines and fillets at the junction of the rib with
    these solid hubs, rims, or whatever; the places where the part being
    sectioned suddenly gets thicker. These can be sketch lines, but if possible
    add relations to hidden features or sketches from the part model. If you
    temporarily go back to the part's feature manager and RMB "Show Sketch" on a
    particular sketch, you can show sketch geometry from the part in the
    drawing. (You will also have to turn on the global "Show Sketches" in the
    drawing.) Remember to RMB "Hide Sketch" in the part before you finish,
    especially if you want to save a dxf version of the drawing, otherwise the
    lines will mysteriously reappear.

    Once you've got a closed contour of sketch lines in the drawing view, you
    can use "area hatch" to hatch the interior of the contour(s), leaving the
    thin rib section unhatched, so it looks like a "proper" drawing.

    Haven't explained this very thoroughly, so please come back if I've been
    Andrew Troup, May 11, 2004
  4. Fred H

    Fred H Guest

    Thanks Kenneth, but all that did was remove the hatching. I do want to
    retain the hatch in the parent solid. Just remove it from the rib
    Fred H, May 11, 2004
  5. Fred H

    kenneth b Guest

    Thanks Kenneth, but all that did was remove the hatching. I do want to

    ooops, i was thinking more about the weld (separate or multi-body part). my

    check out what andrew suggested above, kind of a pita though.
    kenneth b, May 11, 2004
  6. I think the best way doing it is making the Rib as a diffrent body,
    then you can right click the hatch-->hatch properties and select none.

    Akiva Litinsky
    CAD App. Eng.
    Systematics - Tel-Aviv - Israel
    Akiva Litinsky, May 11, 2004
  7. Fred H

    Andrew Troup Guest

    Brilliant !

    Good example of how habits, formed during the years before the option of
    multibodies, have become ingrained. I remember thinking when multibodies
    were announced that some of the subtler ramifications would take years to

    What I understand you to be saying is to simply uncheck "Merge"
    when creating the rib (I never use the rib feature, but I presume that's an
    When I reflect on it, I've used similar methods (as I'm sure many of us
    have) to model, say, deep groove ball bearings as single part, bearing in
    mind they're purchased as a single part- here again, this allows a section
    through the balls to
    a) show their outline separately and
    b) not to hatch them
    just as for a rib

    Always presuming, of course, that we have edit access to the original
    If not, might have to resort to the PITA method I suggested

    Thanks for that, Akiva
    Andrew Troup, May 12, 2004
  8. Fred H

    McBrian Guest

    Unfortunately that is not allowed, there is no merge check box
    available when you create a rib with the rib tool (logical if you think
    about it). Andrew's methode is the only resonable solution that I have
    found to depict webs in drawings.
    McBrian, May 12, 2004
  9. Fred H

    Fred H Guest

    Thanks to all for the suggestions. I tried Akiva's approach this
    morning and it seems to work well. Although there is no option to
    "don't merge" when creating the rib, I was able to "split bodies"
    after adding the rib to create a multibody part. I was then able to
    un-hatch the rib area in the drawing. Like Andrew, I have been doing
    it the "old, pita way" of sketching new boundaries & rehatching. This
    is MUCH better.
    Fred H, May 12, 2004
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