Revision tables, multiple sheet drawings

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Brian Mears, Nov 25, 2003.

  1. Brian Mears

    Brian Mears Guest

    I have a drawing file with multiple sheets. I want to have a revision
    table on each sheet. If I add a revision table to the first sheet in
    the file, it comes in expected. However, if I add a
    revision table to ANY other sheet in the drawing, it comes in with
    references to the first sheet... the description fields show "see

    Any idea why this works this way? Can it be changed or turned off?
    Revisions need to reference the page that they're on, not another

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks...

    Brian Mears, Nov 25, 2003
  2. Brian,
    It gets even worse. Try adding a revision symbol to the second sheet. The
    only way I found to do this is to cut and paste between sheets. (They do
    retain associativity though). I really hope I'm missing something here. I
    can understand the logic behind the "see sheet 1" for revisions - many
    standards do not allow for seperate revison levels for each sheet (I know, I
    know, I know...some do).

    I haven't found a way to correct this oversight - I recommend a call to your
    VAR and/or an enhancement request at the SolidWorks web page.

    Richard Doyle, Nov 25, 2003
  3. BeginClip-<<<<<

    Brian & Richard,
    Using SW2004 SP0, I have created a 3 sheet drawings with different revision
    tables on each sheet. I only did this as a test because we only carry the
    actual rev history on sheet one. When you place a revision table on the second
    and subsequent sheets, the default is "See Sheet 1" in the description area
    and "-" (dashes) in all other columns. This current workings or aspects follow
    the guidelines specified in ASME Y14.35M-1997, Revision of Engineering Drawings
    and Associated Documents.
    To deviate from this, you must manually change the "-" to a revision letter
    and then the symbols will all update.
    Good luck,
    Eddie Cyganik, Nov 26, 2003
  4. Brian & Richard,
    This is what I found as well. I also adhere to the standards you mention,
    although many (many) companies put the revision block on multiple sheets and
    will carry the same revision throughout. It can be done (manually), but I
    think the option ought to be there. The other problem is that you have to
    cut and paste the revision symbols between sheets - there isn't an option to
    switch sheets when adding the symbols even if following the "first sheet"
    standard. This HAS to get fixed (IMHO). Both of these items are on my "top
    ten" list - see ya at the show.

    Richard Doyle, Nov 26, 2003
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