Revision Scheme in PDMWorks not working

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jenn, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. Jenn

    Jenn Guest

    We are implementing PDMWorks and I've setup the revision scheme:
    primary is A-Z using range, secondary is 01-99 using range, and
    tertiary is 1-9 using range. sequential revisioning is checked.
    However, this isn't working, when I try to check in files it gives an
    error that the revision is invalid. When I have Last Revision type
    optional selected it does work. I don't want to use last revision
    type, I want sequential revisioning. Our prototype lifecycle is 1-99
    and release is A-Z.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Jenn, Aug 31, 2004
  2. Jenn

    kenneth b Guest

    check with your var.

    i've been using pdmw for a couple of years now and have never heard of or
    seen anyone use the 2nd & 3rd fields. fyi, these fields are optional

    i see you defined the 1st and 2nd fields (seems like prototypes should be
    primary and released secondary as prototypes usually precede released
    products) anyhow, out of curiosity, what does the 3rd field represent?
    kenneth b, Aug 31, 2004
  3. Jenn

    matt Guest

    Are you doing anything with Lifecycle? Check in the vault admin to see if
    Lifecycle is turned on, and then look to see what revision schemes are
    assigned to which lifecycle statuses. Lifecycle often conflicts with
    revision, depending on your settings.


    (Jenn) wrote in
    matt, Sep 1, 2004
  4. Jenn

    kenneth b Guest

    i just tried using your revision scheme on home pc using sw 2005.

    primary, a-z, range
    secondary, 01-99, range
    tertiary, 1-9, range

    sequential revisioning checked

    works for me
    kenneth b, Sep 1, 2004
  5. Jenn

    P. Guest

    One way to get around this is to explicitly define every revision number.
    This is easily done in a spreadsheet and then cut and pasted into PDMW.
    P., Sep 1, 2004
  6. Jenn

    Jenn Guest

    Thanks to all your suggestions. I am using SPO 2004, we don't have
    2005 yet. The tertiary rev is for a special type of file called a DVT
    (design verification testing) part of the product specification. I had
    lifecycle setup but turned off revs in it and that didn't help. I
    tried simplifying to just primary and secondary but that didn't work,
    if I go down to just primary that works, but that doesn't help me, we
    are using 1-99 as prototype revs and when it is production released it
    uses letters A-Z. I also didn't make clear that this is occuring on
    the 1st time check in. I don't have anything in the vault yet, and
    this doesn't work for bulk check in or one at a time check in.
    Jenn, Sep 1, 2004
  7. Jenn

    kenneth b Guest

    disable lifecycle completely until your revision scheme problem is solved.

    i tried on '04 sp4.1, no problems.

    fwiw, i don't think having released as primary and prototypes as secondary
    will work very well. once a prototype is in the vault with a secondary
    revision you will never be able to get back to the primary revisions. also,
    using a range of a-z includes the usually omitted letters of i, o, s & x.
    kenneth b, Sep 1, 2004
  8. Jenn

    matt Guest

    Let me say it differently.

    Lifecycle is probably causing the problem. I'd bet that your first
    lifecycle status is not set to use your primary rev scheme. If you could
    post screen shots of your lifecycle and revision scheme pages, it would be
    easy to tell.


    (Jenn) wrote in
    matt, Sep 1, 2004
  9. Jenn

    Jenn Guest

    Yes, lifecycle does seem to be the problem. If I shut it off I can
    check files in. However, I do have my first lifecycle stage(draft) set
    to working copy. When I do this the checkin will recoginize the
    revision and the error message changes from invalid rev to unknown

    Jenn, Sep 3, 2004
  10. Jenn

    matt Guest

    You need to have the first lifecycle status set to use a real revision
    scheme, not just the working copy. So your Draft status should have
    Primary checked, along with working copy if you like.

    What's happening is that when you check something in, PDMW automatically
    assigns a rev, and since you have Sequential set, it assigns the first rev
    from the Primary scheme, but your first lifecycle sounds like it's not set
    to accept a primary (or secondary or terciary for that matter) revision.

    Maybe I've misunderstood you, but this is what it sounds like is causing
    the problem to me.


    (Jenn) wrote in
    matt, Sep 3, 2004
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