Reversing Arced polylines

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rakesh Rao, Apr 6, 2004.

  1. Rakesh Rao

    Rakesh Rao Guest


    I have always had difficulty reversing (programmatically in Lisp) the
    direction of a polyline that has arc segments in them. Does anyone have
    a code that would reverse arc segmented polylines?

    I got around it with a tip that was posted here some years back. It
    involves drawing a line from the center of the current view to the end
    point of the polyline and then using the Pedit Join command to select
    this line and the original polyline. This would reverse arced polylines.
    Then the first vertex of the polyline had to be deleted.

    This method, however fails when if the polyline is closed and if the
    last segment happens to be an arc. In such a case, the above method
    would reverse the polyline but the last arced segment becomes a straight
    line. So, I am now looking for a more robust solution to this. I am not
    very good to playing with the bulge factors.

    Any pointers, code welcome.


    Please email me your replies. I may not always be observing the posts here.


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    Rakesh Rao, Apr 6, 2004
  2. Rakesh Rao

    Jochen Guest

    only a short idea:
    If there is an arc, so get 3 points of it using the DIVIDE-command.
    In order to reverse create the reverse arc from these 3 point in reverse
    order (I don't like the bulges and chords too...).
    Jochen, Apr 6, 2004
  3. Rakesh Rao

    Tim Badger Guest

    Check your email.

    regards, Tim Badger
    Tim Badger, Apr 6, 2004
  4. Rakesh Rao

    Devin Guest

    "Rakesh Rao",

    It's actually rather simple. You just have to remember that in DXF form the
    bulge factor stays in between the two points defining the start and end of
    the arc. It simply defines the bulge of the arc between the two points.
    When reversing the pline data just reverse the point and bulge list, then
    use the sign of the original bulge, ie: (- 0.0 bulge). In dxf format it's
    (note this is using my list format which varies slightly, you may have to
    switch cadr's for cdr's and vise-versa)...

    '(lambda (a)
    ((= (car a) 10) a);strip all but points and bulges
    ((= (car a) 42) (ccons 42 (sign (cadr a))))
    (reverse data)
    (= (car (car data)) 42);move arc data to end if it's first element
    (setq data (append (cdr data) (list (car data))))
    Devin, Apr 6, 2004
  5. Rakesh Rao

    CAB2k Guest

    ;;; Polyline Reverse
    ;;; plr.lsp by Charles Alan Butler
    ;;; Copyright 2004
    ;;; by Precision Drafting & Design All Rights Reserved.
    ;;; Contact at
    ;;; Version Alpha March 20,2004
    ;;; Reverse the vertex order of a light weight polyline
    ;;; Keeps the same starting point unlike most reverse routines
    ;;; ;
    ;;; You are hereby granted permission to use, copy and modify this ;
    ;;; software without charge, provided you do so exclusively for ;
    ;;; your own use or for use by others in your organization in the ;
    ;;; performance of their normal duties, and provided further that ;
    ;;; the above copyright notice appears in all copies and both that ;
    ;;; copyright notice and the limited warranty and restricted rights ;
    ;;; notice below appear in all supporting documentation. ;
    (defun c:plr (/ elst vlst newlst new-vlst code42 code210
    obj nam pair clo)
    (command "_.undo" "_be")
    (while (null (setq en1 (entsel "\nPick an object to reverse: "))))
    (setq nam (car en1)
    elst (entget nam)
    obj (cdr (assoc 0 elst))
    clo (= 1 (logand 1 (cdr (assoc 70 (entget nam)))))
    ((= obj "LWPOLYLINE")
    (setq new-vlst (list (assoc 10 elst))) ; start point
    (while (setq pair (car elst))
    ((= (car pair) 10) ; vertex
    ;; collect vertex list
    (while (member (caar elst) '(10 40 41 42))
    (setq vlst (cons (car elst) vlst)
    elst (cdr elst))
    ) ; end while
    ((= (car pair) 210) ; extru direction??
    (setq code210 pair
    elst (cdr elst))
    ((setq newlst (cons pair newlst)
    elst (cdr elst))
    ) ; end cond stmt
    ) ; end while
    ;; newlst= entlist less vertex list
    ;; vlst= vertex list
    (while vlst ; reverse vertex list
    (if (= (car (setq pair (car vlst))) 42) ; bulge
    ;; reverse the bulge
    (setq code42 (cons 42 (* (cdr pair) -1))
    vlst (cdr vlst))
    (if (= (car (setq pair (car vlst))) 41)
    ;; reverse the width position
    (setq vlst (cdr vlst)
    new-vlst (cons (cons 40 (cdr pair)) new-vlst)
    new-vlst (cons (cons 41 (cdr (car vlst))) new-vlst)
    vlst (cdr vlst))
    (if code42 ; add bulge back to list
    (setq new-vlst (cons code42 new-vlst)
    code42 nil)
    (if (= (car (setq pair (car vlst))) 10)
    (setq new-vlst (cons pair new-vlst)
    vlst (cdr vlst))
    ) ; end while
    (if clo ; closed pline
    (setq new-vlst (cdr new-vlst)) ; remove the start pt
    (setq new-vlst (reverse(cdr (reverse new-vlst))))
    ;; new-vlst contains the reverse vertex list
    (setq newlst (append new-vlst newlst))
    (if code210
    (setq newlst (append (list code210) newlst))
    (entmod (reverse newlst))
    (entupd nam) ; Regenerates the polyline entity

    ((= obj "POLYLINE")
    (prompt "\nNot yet working... Old Style Polyline."))

    ((prompt "\nObject selected is not a polyline"))
    ) ; end cond stmt
    ) ; end defun
    CAB2k, Apr 8, 2004
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