REVCLOUD command

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by acadconsult, May 15, 2006.

  1. acadconsult

    acadconsult Guest

    By Jos van Doorn

    We've got a very interesting command. The REVCLOUD
    command. The commands has get to do with drawing a
    revision cloud.

    Using the REVCLOUD command you can draw a revision
    cloud. To indicate what has been changed in the drawing
    or so.

    How a revision cloud is created. Easy. REVCLOUD is
    typed at the command prompt and the REVCLOUD command
    starts. These are the prompts.

    Minimum arc length: 10 Maximum arc length: 10
    Style: Normal
    Specify start point or [Arc length/Object/Style]

    In the first prompt the settings of the REVCLOUD
    command are given. Also the style of the revision cloud
    is given. That can be NORMAL and CALLIGRAPHY.

    We want to change the lengths of the arc. We type A at
    the prompt of the REVCLOUD command. We can now enter a
    values for the lengths of the arc.

    If you type S at the prompt of the REVCLOUD command,
    you can change the style that is used. You can go for
    the NORMAL style and the CALLIGRAPHY style.

    We have the option to select an object. That is the
    default option. To invoke that option the right mouse
    button is pressed.

    We can select any object. A line, a circle, an arc, a
    polyline. But take care. Because what we select is
    turned into a revision cloud.

    But let's do it in the way that is used most of the
    time. We pick a point. That point is the start point of
    the revision cloud. We move the cursor over the screen.

    The cursor is moved around the object around which we
    want to add a revision cloud. As the cursor is moved a
    revision cloud is drawn.

    When we come back to the point where we started the
    revision cloud, the revision cloud is closed. An arc is

    There is a lot you can do with a revision cloud. You
    can put it on its own layer. And you can do soemthing
    with the width of the revision cloud.

    The revision cloud that has been drawn is a polyline.
    You can change the width of the polyline. Use the PEDIT
    command. You know how it is done.

    OK. I've told you everything about the REVCLOUD
    command. And I've shown to you what options the
    REVCLOUD command has got.

    But I must tell you something more. I must tell you
    about the styles of the REVCLOUD command. There are two
    styles. NORMAL and CALLIGRAPHY.

    A revision cloud with a normal style has got a polyline
    with a fixed width. A calligraphy revision cloud has
    arcs witha starting width and an ending width.

    Everything you want to know about AutoCAD. Base AutoCAD
    book, advanced AutoCAD book, also 3D book. Get the
    books here.
    acadconsult, May 15, 2006
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