Rev Block on Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3.....

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Richard Charney, May 7, 2004.

  1. So has anybody else had the problem with the Rev Block not putting the
    column headers on when it's inserted onto Sheet2 or Sheet3 or Sheet4, etc.
    of a drawing? It comes in fine on Sheet1 but any other sheet after that, all
    of the column headers are missing.

    Is there a fix for this?

    TIA, Richard
    Richard Charney, May 7, 2004
  2. Richard Charney

    TheTick Guest

    The best fix is to not do it.

    As with BOM's, it is not good practice to have multiple copies of rev.
    blocks on multiple sheets.
    TheTick, May 9, 2004
  3. Richard Charney

    matt Guest

    (TheTick) wrote in

    I agree, More to the point, it is bad practice to rev separate sheets
    separately. That is a hold over from a time when a physical piece of paper
    was a document. If it gets rev controlled separately, it should have a
    separate document number.

    matt, May 10, 2004
  4. That's exactly what is happening here. All I want is for each REV. block to
    come in on each sheet with the header columns and be able to add a revision
    and have it add a letter instead of a dash. We keep all of our REV's for
    each sheet the same rev letter, but it's a lot of extra work to add all the
    info manually to each sheet. It would be nice to have each sheet show the
    same REV letter instead of Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4, etc. say "See Sheet 1".

    I've tried to copy and paste the first REV block onto Sheet2 or Sheet3, etc.
    I can copy it, but it just doesn't want to paste.
    Oh well, maybe in the next major release they'll get it right?!

    Frustrated in the Brew City. I think it's time for a beer, even if it is

    Richard Charney, May 10, 2004
  5. Richard Charney

    Michael Guest

    how could you be sure that you have the correct sheet 2? How would you
    know you >don't have the current sheet one with the old sheet two?

    you'd tell by looking at the Rev # in the lower right hand corner of your
    title block. Every sheet needs to have the Rev#; but not every sheet needs
    to (or should, IMHO) have a RevBlock
    Michael, May 10, 2004
  6. Richard Charney

    matt Guest

    I don't disagree with you about what the shops need. Still people
    stuggle with the "rev each sheet" scenario, which I don't think is
    practical, because pdm apps and SW are geared around "the document"
    being whatever is contained in an electronic file instead of whatever is
    on a single sheet.

    It's different from when you drew on a board, and the sheet of paper was
    its own thing.

    matt, May 10, 2004
  7. I have to agree with Deb.

    We use multiple sheet assembly drawings in our shop with some of the parts
    detailed on say sheet 12, without a part number for the part, but rather
    just giving the raw material number. That sheet is used on it's own by the
    oerson in the shop who is making that part. If he doesn't have any other
    sheets of the assembly drawing, how would he know what the revisions are for
    that drawing? If they are on that sheet, he has the info he needs, right at
    his hands, without having to run around looking for sheet 1 or where ever
    the info is. He may not even know where to look for the info.
    Richard Charney, May 10, 2004
  8. Richard Charney

    Arlin Guest

    Every sheet needs to have the Rev#; but not every sheet needs
    Arlin, May 10, 2004
  9. Richard Charney

    kenneth b Guest

    i'm so confused. can you define the function/purpose of a revision block in
    your situation?

    revision tables are often referred to as revision history. we use them to
    cross reference our eco's which have the details on specific changes to that
    drawing. it's been my experience that most shops will almost always do a
    "physical compare" between drawings to find changes and not even rely on the
    revision history block.
    kenneth b, May 10, 2004
  10. Richard Charney

    Brian S Guest

    What if you want to have something self-contained? Put the assembly on
    sht 1 and put parts on sht 2, sht 3, etc. Not something I would
    normally do with our products, but maybe I would want to with a
    fixture or gage made of multiple parts.

    Anyone know the answer to this?

    Brian S, May 10, 2004
  11. Richard Charney

    matt Guest

    So you can manage the sheet revision in a drawer.

    How are you going to manage the electronic file, though?

    I'm not aware of any PDM systems that will allow per-page revs. If someone
    knows of one, how does it work? If this could be shown to be practical in
    a PDM app, I'd be willing to change my song, but until then, the only thing
    that seems practical to me is reving the entire electronic document.

    matt, May 10, 2004
  12. Richard Charney

    matt Guest

    There are a couple of things at play here. First, how does your company's
    internal system work, second, how does the software work, and third, how do
    you bridge any disconnects between them.

    I'm coming from an assumption of using a PDM system, and it sounds like you
    all may be coming from the assumption of using a drawer to manage paper.
    Both ways work, but with PDM you would have to plan things a bit

    Plus, it seems we may be talking about two different things. The original
    conversation was about rev blocks on separate sheets, and I kind of
    launched into talking about revision levels of individual sheets.
    matt, May 10, 2004
  13. Hi Richard,

    I've seen a lot of fireworks get a lunched on why one should not use
    multiple sheet revison tables. I think that this really dovetails
    nicely with the mono vs. poly detailing question that has been raised

    If one uses poly detailing, then multiple revision sheets are very
    practical and necessary. If not, then the need is not so strong, but
    this is still a viable need.

    Many people simply respond "just don't do it (no multi sheet revs)".
    Nevertheless, I think that solidworks need to be practical about what
    is done in the real world, where both styles are used. I firmly
    believe that the multiple revision per sheet in a drawing set is not
    intrinsically wrong, but it does put the burden on having a revison
    table on the drawing somewhere (or even multiple sheet records in MRP
    - yuck). I have seen this type of per sheet revision work for "real"
    companies that manufacture things on the hunderds of thousands of
    units, so the concept is viable.

    If one wants the same rev table on every sheet with a simple
    reduplicaton of the front sheet then the devils's advocate side of me
    asks "why?". But of one wants to do sheet-based revs then viva la
    difference. Personally, having given this alot of thought, I think
    the rev-per sheet method is superior in some ways in that is allows
    you to maintain only the sheet needed and not all of them, for example
    a 30 page assembly doc with a "monolithic" revision that needs an
    adjustment to sheet 4 would need to revison ALL sheets to make a
    change to that one sheet - very time unfriendly.

    Short answer: Multiple revs are not wrong, but has their downside
    too. Solidworks owes us the ability to manage sheet level revisions
    (using the table tool) if we choose to - differences of style
    notwithstanding. That said, I personally would make a table on sheet
    1 that bore this burden today, alternately, revert to the excel
    revison table on a per sheet basis.

    That's more than you asked for, but possibly helpful.


    Sean-Michael Adams, May 10, 2004
  14. Richard Charney

    Michael Guest

    If one wants the same rev table on every sheet with a simple
    If you have a rev-per-sheet scheme as you describe above, how do you keep
    track of what the proper rev level for a particular page should be? In
    other words, how does the operator know that he's supposed to be using
    sheet4, RevC?

    It's easy for me to imagine getting yourself into a situation where the 30
    page document you mention above has a different rev level for every page--do
    you have an index or something that you also rev?
    Michael, May 10, 2004
  15. Richard Charney

    kenneth b Guest

    oh, what a headache. i need some asprin. :)
    kenneth b, May 10, 2004
  16. Richard Charney

    matt Guest


    I agree, but I guess I'm falling into my usual practical role not of "what
    should be" but rather of "what is" and how to deal with what is.

    I agree that changing a rev on a sheet of a 30 page drawing "should" not
    force you to uprev the whole thing, but ... well, right now it does.
    Particularly with PDM.

    How are you handling this now? If I remember correctly, you are using the
    "monolithic" approach because there is not another way aside from assigning
    separate filenames for each sheet in ProductCenter.

    Look at how PDM apps do configurations. It's a similar problem, and maybe
    the solution could look similar (although the solution is kind of cheesy).
    There is a separate PDM entity for each config, which is just a shortcut
    back to the original doc with all the configs. Each config in name is
    controlled, but not in a way that keeps you from changing other or all
    configs. If you really want to manage configs properly, they are probably
    best done as separate documents.

    Conceptually, I accept what you say, but how do you make this happen? If
    you were the software developer, how would you achieve the per-page revs in


    (Sean-Michael Adams) wrote in
    matt, May 10, 2004
  17. Richard Charney

    kenneth b Guest

    I agree that changing a rev on a sheet of a 30 page drawing "should" not

    this seems flawed to me. but then again we're a mono company, so perhaps i
    just don't understand the method to this madness. :)
    kenneth b, May 10, 2004
  18. It's easy for me to imagine getting yourself into a situation where the 30
    Hi Michael.

    Yes the success of this hinges on having a way to determing the
    revision for each page, most notably, an index.

    I have the dubious honor of having to maintain assembly documentation
    and found myself asking "why would this multi revison scheme be bad?"
    The index is evil and so is multi-rev, but so is updating (in reality)
    12 document sheets for the sake of one. Remember if you are in PDM
    (we are), that's 12 check-in-check-out procedures, 11 meaningless
    rebuilds for a new datatag in the revblock and possibly reving a model
    that has undergone no geometric change simply to add new annotations
    to a given page on a given set of prints.

    We still do it the "monolithic revision" way, but I see that the
    rev-per-sheet could work nicely as well and our software should not
    dictate that we cannot do this.

    There is one certainty here - Take the number of companies and
    multiply by two and take half of that and you will arrive at the
    number of "right" ways to manage documents. (smile)


    Sean-Michael Adams, May 10, 2004
  19. Hi Matt,

    I've been tossing this one around in my head. While we continue to
    use the monolithic revision method, I think it is aptly called
    "monolithic" (large stone, which in this case, I often have to bring
    my Herculean CAD powers to bear to simply change one sheet of 11 -
    smile). Lets not even mention that fact that we publish the doc set
    to PDF - another multi sheet file to make meaningless updates to.

    Option 1: I can envision a solution, but this has too many technical
    barriers & qualifiers: Whatever released document the vault gives you
    is current - end of discussion. This works regardless of date code
    revision, letter, number, Greek symbol or Chinese ideograph. Since
    presently all our vendors and people who need prints are not "PDM
    linked", it's not workable.

    Option 2: Structure a BOM in MPR, which gives visibility to people who
    need it. The idea being that a vendor would also see the need to get
    an update of, lets say, sheet 7 of the document set. Also a pain, but
    not PDM or MRP "prohibitive".

    Option 3: Put the burden on the first sheet of the drawing, which
    requires it to be the master for the "drawing set", having a table
    that defines the rev or release date of each sheet. Alternately, let
    the front sheet define revision solely, exclude revision from the
    "individual" sheets and let the front sheet act as the "parent" for
    the document set. If one is working under release management then
    the vault will only give current data and if the PDM is
    "project-object" capable, then the main document can be the parent to
    the other sheets "PDM-wise".

    I think the whole issue here is making sure that documents are current
    and identifiable in a reasonable way. I don't think that the
    rev-per-sheet is a bad way to go. But, I do prefer the rev-per-set
    method as is takes the onus of sheet-by-sheet confirmation off of the
    end user and places on the document originator. While this is a
    maintenance nightmare sometimes, it does favor the end user, which in
    my mind weighs heavily on the "rules of conduct".


    Sean-Michael Adams, May 19, 2004
  20. Richard Charney

    matt Guest

    Hey Sean,

    I didn't learn much in engineering school, but I did learn how to organize
    the information that you have when you're trying to problem solve. From
    that perspective:

    - rev per sheet comes from paper drawing days (not necessarily bad, but
    its definitely a strike against it)

    - revving multiple sheet electronic CAD docs "monolithically" seems very
    inefficient and a pain in the ass

    - revving multiple sheet electronic CAD docs "per sheet" seems like bad
    practice because there is no master

    - revving multiple sheet electronic CAD docs "per sheet" with a PDM system
    is not possible.

    From this, it looks like the problem is either the "electronic CAD" (which
    we can't get away from) or the "multisheet" condition.

    What if you just got rid of multisheet drawings? Treat the first page of a
    drawing like an assembly that calls out the individual sheet documents
    (each has its own drawing number)? So you'd have a little BOM-like chart
    on the first page that calls out the individually rev controlled sheet
    docs. The chart calls out drawing numbers without reference to revision.

    That sounds more reasonable to me because it's easy to maintain for the
    creator and if the sheet doc numbers are assigned sequentially, makes it
    easy to find for users. Plus, if you end up putting the same schematic on
    sheet 4 of that 11 page drawing on several different multisheet drawings,
    the schematic is controlled in one place.

    With ProductCenter I remember that you could make links between docs, so
    you could link the sheets of a drawing together. We don't have that luxury
    yet with PDMWorks, we can link non-sw docs to anything but SW docs can only
    be linked to SW docs automatically. I'll keep pushing them...

    Anyway, if I had it to do again, I think that;s how I'd handle multisheet


    (Sean-Michael Adams) wrote in
    matt, May 19, 2004
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