I have a profile of channel section drawn as a layout sketch in an assembly. I want to reuse this sketch in numerous parts within the assembly so that all my channel sections are identical (they would just be different lengths and have other features applied to them). I know I can copy and paste the sketch into each of my parts but the copy does not have a link to the original. I don't want to use equations for this (due to the number of equations I would potentially need) nor a design table for a similar reason, and applying equal relations between entities in different sketches doesn't seem to work unless the entities being related are parallel. I can't use configurations of the same part since there are an infinite number of possible lengths. I am trying to keep my assembly as versatile as possible with all parameters driven via layout sketches or reference geometry at the assembly level. Does anyone have any suggestions? What I would like to be able to do is have the sketch defined in my assembly and then create a link to it when I need to use it in a part, with the ability to redefine the sketch plane and any external relations for each instance of the sketch. TIA.