Reusable code that you reuse again and again...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by David Kozina, Jan 1, 2004.

  1. David Kozina

    David Kozina Guest

    Have you encounted many cases where one section of one routine happened to
    be written *exactly* like another section in *another* routine?

    Now, I'm NOT talking about repetitive use of 'toolbox' routines that you may
    use in your code that use differing parameters, like this:

    (myfunction a b c)
    (myfunction d e f)

    ....because they aren't used with *exactly* the same arguments - see?

    I can think of one good example that Michael Puckett illustrated a few days
    In this case, that initial (setq... code block that stores the different
    objects used later could easily find a spot in many different routines, no?

    Can you think of other (perhaps larger) cases wherein this sort of 'code
    recycling' would prove beneficial or desirable? I'd appreciate some
    additional ideas.

    David Kozina
    David Kozina, Jan 1, 2004
  2. David Kozina

    David Doane Guest

    Yes. However I never have organized them so as to call them from multiple
    routines. I do call one dialog box from several routines though.
    David Doane, Jan 2, 2004
  3. David Kozina

    TCEBob Guest

    I think it depends on what your target audience is. I have a library of
    routines that I use frequently and for a while was cleverly doing just
    as you suggest. And it worked. But then I tried to send one or another
    routine to a friend or post it on a ng. Of course, the durn thing
    wouldn't work because half the stuff was undefined. So I had to comb
    through the code and package all the relevant subs. Now I've gone
    through and patched in all the subroutines where they apply and got rid
    of them. Well, almost all. Conclusion: if you are writing a long program
    or if your application is going out for distribution then subroutines
    are really useful. But for the average macro maven (me) they only save a
    few lines of code. However, I'm not shy about cribbing lines from one
    routine to another.

    TCEBob, Jan 2, 2004
  4. David Kozina

    ECCAD Guest

    I like to stash text routines (trim, search/replace, etc) away for use, but suffer with same problem when posting. Alas.
    ECCAD, Jan 2, 2004
  5. David Kozina

    Tom Smith Guest

    I keep a few very general "toolbox" routines in my mnl so they're always
    available -- error handler, etc. In a case like you describe, if I find
    myself doing the exact same thing in more than a couple of lisp programs,
    I'd probably add it to the "toolbox" and take it out of the individual lisp

    Part of the original concept of lisp, of course, was to build big programs
    from small parts, using modular, recycled functions. In real-world use, this
    can be a litttle tricky to maintain, and it can make it more complicated to
    swap lisps around on the net, if that's a concern.

    I program in a modular fashion anyway, having learned to appreciate the
    age-old rule that a function should do only one thing, and should very
    rarely be any longer than about a half dozen lines. So my lisp programs will
    normally consist of a number of small defuns, with one calling "c:" defun
    which runs them. I realize that this is alien and *disturbing* to the linear
    BASIC-like programming schema that you usually see in AutoLISP. But it makes
    it easy to pull out a "toolbox" routine that I find myself needing again.

    Usually, if I find myself using very similar code, it's because the tasks
    being performed are similar, and I can "recycle" functions without confusion
    simply by putting multiple "c:" defuns in the same lisp program. For
    instance, we have one called mirrortools.lsp, which contains every macro
    we've found handy for mirroring plans. Several of them call the same
    general-purpose functions, which are defined in the same file for clarity.
    These don't need to go in the mnl toolbox, since I don't need them anywhere
    Tom Smith, Jan 2, 2004
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