Retasking '#' symbol for mtext

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rabbit, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. Rabbit

    Rabbit Guest

    Is there a way to use another text symbol for diagonal stacking in mtext
    other than the # symbol? I do electrical drawings and we generally show our
    conduit and wire sizes like this: 1 1/2"C: 3#1/0, #6G; meaning, 1 1/2"
    conduit with three (3) number (#) 1 ought hot wires and one (1) number (#) 6
    ground wire. The 1 1/2" I like to show as a stacked, diagonal fraction
    without the space between the 1 and the 1/2". TIA
    Rabbit, Sep 30, 2004
  2. Can't you set Mtext to do that for you? (Maybe that depends on what version
    you're running.)

    If not, a bit cumbersome perhaps, and I think it only does
    vertically-stacked, and I haven't tested it in Mtext, but how about the


    where 0.75 can be replaced with anything you want (the stacked-number size
    relative to the main text size), n is the numerator and d is the denominator
    of the fraction you want. Those are squiggly-brackets at the ends, and if I
    remember right, the H and S must be upper-case.

    Kent Cooper, AIA

    Kent Cooper, AIA, Sep 30, 2004
  3. Thanks for the reply Kent. You are correct, I think, about the hard code of
    mtext, but what I'm needing is to have some other symbol to use for # for
    autostacking. I apologize for not making that a little clearer.
    Rabbit @ home, Sep 30, 2004
  4. I doubt you can change which characters are used to trigger stacking, but
    that's deeper into the program than I can go.

    It's a little cumbersome, but you could enable the stack dialog box and give
    it a yes or no answer for each condition. [If it's suppressed, Help says:
    "Note To display the AutoStack Properties dialog box when you have
    suppressed automatic display, select stacked text, right-click, and click
    Properties on the shortcut menu. In the Stack Properties dialog box, click
    AutoStack."] But that would also require you to say yes to stack the 1 1/2"

    You can also let it stack them, and then pick on them and un-stack them with
    the button on the Mtext toolbar. But if you've got a diagonal stack from a
    / (as in your 1/0), it unstacks it into a # instead (1#0).

    One more possibility: leave AutoStack running to do the 1 1/2" for you.
    Then, since the stacking is triggered by the entering of a space or
    non-numeric character immediately after numeric characters with a / or #
    between them, you can "fool" it by not putting the / or # between numeric
    characters. Put in spaces or punctuation characters or letters before them:

    1 1/2"C: 3_#1_/0, #6G

    (i.e. with something non-numeric before the first # and the second / -- I
    put underscores in for clarity, and that works, but spaces do, too, or
    letters). Then go back and delete or backspace those non-numeric characters
    out of there. It won't stack the 3#1 or the 1/0 that way, unless you later
    go in and enter something else after that 1 or 0.

    Kent Cooper, AIA

    Kent Cooper, AIA, Oct 1, 2004
  5. Rabbit

    Rabbit Guest

    Thanks again Kent for your reply. What you have outline isn't much better
    than what I am doing currently. Right now I have autostack turned off and
    type in 11#2"C: 3#1/0, #6G, then I go back and highlight 1#2 and click on
    the stack button. It's a PITA because it takes too many steps to
    accomplish, plus it requires me to go from keyboard to mouse and back again
    which makes putting in this info even slower.

    I guess there is no real solution at this time. Maybe a release down the
    road will resolve this issue. Thanks again for your comments. They were
    well received.
    Rabbit, Oct 1, 2004
  6. Are there few enough varieties of this kind of thing that you could insert
    blocks? (Probably not, with all the possible combinations of conduit size
    and number and gauge of both types of wires, especially if you might
    sometimes run more than one circuit's wiring in the same conduit.) Or maybe
    use blocks with attributes? (I guess that could be tricky to get the
    attribute positions to work for any of the range of number of characters in
    conduit sizes and wire-gauge designations.)

    Kent Cooper, AIA

    Kent Cooper, AIA, Oct 1, 2004
  7. Or, long that same vein, a dialog box that would construct the proper
    combination and insert it as mtext?
    Allen Johnson, Oct 4, 2004
  8. You could just type it he first time with a space between the '#' and the
    next or preceeding character.

    When finished, you can delete the unwanted spaces if you like, this should
    retain the '#' and not autostack.

    Again, still a PITA but it is a workaround than can be done without touching
    the mouse.
    Casey Roberts, Oct 6, 2004
  9. Rabbit

    stephen4444 Guest

    If its not a long sentence, Dtext is an option.
    or for mtext another way I have done is enable autostacking
    when you type 1 1/2"C: 3#1/O, #6G is type ## where it stacks like: 1 1/2"C: 3##1/O, #6G then after your finished all the labeling then use search and replace "##" with "#" globally. "just have to remember to S & R".
    stephen4444, Oct 6, 2004
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