Response time

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Doron David, Sep 30, 2003.

  1. Doron David

    Doron David Guest

    Hello all,
    I'm have the following problem: At work we have about 5 computers
    connected as a workgroup to each other. One of them acts as the 'Server'
    which we store CAD files on. It is that when I save a file on the server -
    seems like Autocad halts for about 5-10 seconds and then saves the file.
    This happens only on my computer, So I think the problem is NOT the network.
    There is another computer with the same configuration as mine (we got them
    both at the same time). The computer is fairly new loaded with Windows XP
    and Autocad 2002 LT. It's a Dell, Model: Dimension 4550.Any idea?
    Doron David, Sep 30, 2003
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