resolving instance bindings in AMS

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Sunil_rpine, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. Sunil_rpine

    Sunil_rpine Guest


    I am running a mixed signals design and am having a problem in
    simulating using the AMS simulator. The problem is with the
    elaborations. The error I am getting has something to do with
    resolving the instance bindings in the digital blocks.

    Going into the details, my design has 3 digital modules, in which
    various other sub-modules are being instantiated. While elaborating,
    the sub-modules are not being resolved. An example of the error
    message is below:

    ncelab: *N,SFEDPL: Deploying new SFE in analog engine.
    ncelab: *E,CUCFUN: instance 'u1clock_mux' of the unit 'clock_mux' is
    unresolved in 'SPARK_PLL.binary_top:verilog'.
    ncelab: *E,CUCFUN: instance 'u2clock_mux' of the unit 'clock_mux' is
    unresolved in 'SPARK_PLL.binary_top:verilog'.

    clock_mux is a module instantiated in binary_top.

    How do I avoid this error? My configuration table looks ok. All the
    instance bindings are being listed with the exact name.

    Thank you,
    Sunil_rpine, Feb 14, 2009
  2. Sunil_rpine

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Sunil,

    There could be many reasons for this to happen.
    It would have been very helpful if you have mentioned whether you are
    running AMS designer in ADE or HED mode.
    Anyway, there is a little document in your IC stream called: "AMS in
    ADE Frequently Asked Questions" - $CDSHOME/doc/AMSinADEFAQ/
    There is a section called 'Your design does not elaborate'; it does
    outline the possible reasons and solutions behind elaboration
    Could you give it a look and cross-check your design against what is
    recommended in that doc ?

    If you think you have included all the needed files, then I would
    advice to clear out your working dir (remove all the .pak files) and
    then re-run your compile/elaboration on 'all' the design, i.e not

    Hope this helps. If not, It might be helpful to mention your AMS
    simulation more - ADE/HED, and your tool versions, IC/IUS.

    Riad KACED, Feb 15, 2009
  3. Sunil_rpine

    Sunil_rpine Guest

    Hi Riad,

    I found the document. It indeed helped me out this.
    Thank you for your reply.

    Thank you,
    Sunil_rpine, Feb 16, 2009
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