Resizing BOM?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by hayduke, May 3, 2005.

  1. hayduke

    hayduke Guest

    Is there a way to get the 'new' BOM to use less real estate on the
    sheet? I tried using a smaller font, but it seems there is still a lot
    of unnecessary 'white-space' in the BOM.

    hayduke, May 3, 2005
  2. You can resize it yourself - just grab the edges and pull.

    Wayne Tiffany, May 3, 2005
  3. hayduke

    hayduke Guest

    I've done all the pulling it'll allow, then it stops.

    I found that under 'Options'> Document Properties> Detailing> Annotations
    Font> Tables, under Height is 'Units' and 'Space', space has some effect on
    the 'white-space' but I'd like to squeeze it down some more. I have it set
    to .0001 right now.

    Row height doesn't seem to compress itself very well either, I have some
    with Descriptions that are somewhat long, if I drag the column narrow enough
    that these fields jump to two rows high, the row height will not switch back
    to single if I stretch the column width back.

    I was able to reduce the overall size by about a third, but theres still a
    lot of wasted space, such as the qty. column, I could easily have the entire
    word "QUANTITY" spelled out in the space provided, space I can't shrink any

    hayduke, May 3, 2005
  4. hayduke

    tjones2 Guest

    I have my VAR working on this very problem. If I go to the top of the
    column, select it, r-click-format-column width-set it-then save
    template, the new width does not stick when I put the B/M back on the
    tjones2, May 3, 2005
  5. hayduke

    abc Guest

    You are pushing SolidWaste beyond it's design limits!

    The programmers only designed the software to deal with about 10 parts in a
    assembly. Anything beyond that and the software slows way down and the BOM
    will no longer fit in the sheets.

    They made it so the BOM's framing is so honken big and waste so much space,
    that you will be forced to limit your assembly sizes. It's all part of the

    Don't worry though, it will all be better in 2006 once they add the spell
    abc, May 3, 2005
  6. hayduke

    hayduke Guest

    slepp ckecher, woohoo! ;o)
    hayduke, May 3, 2005
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