Residual mates to suppressed subassemblies

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by albert, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. albert

    albert Guest

    I have a base assembly which acommodates many (up to 12) customer optional
    There are many permutations of the modules and many limits of which modules
    can be used together on the base assembly.

    I have handled this in the past by saving the master assy with all customer
    modules suppressed, then simply unsuppressing the modules I want.

    The annoyance is that if you do this then the mates which had constrained
    the module to the base assembly are not suppressed but are left as broken.
    On some previous versions, (was it 2001+) when you suppressed a module, its
    mates to the outside world were automatically suppressed also.

    I cannot for the life of me imagine why there would be some use for
    preserving these now broken mates to a suppressed module. There seems to be
    no way to change this behaviour.

    Since there are many pernutations of 1..12 modules, setting a configuration
    for each combination is clearly unrealistic.

    Leaving the base model loaded up with 30 or 40 broken mates works, I can
    live with it, but it seems dumb, is probably CPU inefficient and may
    contribute to instability.
    Anyone have any ideas?

    Best Regards
    Malcolm Cox
    albert, Apr 10, 2007
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