Reset a profile

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by GARYNTX, Sep 1, 2004.


    GARYNTX Guest

    I have a default profile that gets updated every so often
    Other users are useing this profile as well so I have created a macro to reload the profile. The thing I want to do is get the information for all the old menus, pulldowns and toolbars that the user has and after the profile is set reload and reset the menus, etc. I got to the menus part but am lost on how to do the rest.

    Here is what I got so far:

    Sub ResetProfile()
    Dim objPrefProfiles As AcadPreferencesProfiles, preferences As AcadPreferences
    Dim strProfileToImport As String, strMenu As Variant
    Dim objMenus As New Collection, objMenu As AcadMenuGroup
    Set objPrefProfiles = Application.preferences.Profiles

    For Each objMenu In Application.MenuGroups
    objMenus.Add objMenu.MenuFileName
    Next objMenu

    'If the profile is current set the default current
    Debug.Print objPrefProfiles.ActiveProfile
    If objPrefProfiles.ActiveProfile = "Gary2005" Then
    objPrefProfiles.ActiveProfile = "<<Unnamed Profile>>"
    End If

    ' Specify the profile to delete.
    strProfileToImport = "Gary2005"

    ' Delete the profile
    ' The call will fail if "Gary2005" does not exist
    On Error GoTo Error
    objPrefProfiles.ImportProfile strProfileToImport, "D:\share\Gary2005.arg", True

    'Set the profile current
    objPrefProfiles.ActiveProfile = strProfileToImport

    'Release the object pointer
    Set objPrefProfiles = Nothing

    'Reload any old menus not associated with the new profile
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each strMenu In objMenus
    Application.MenuGroups.Load strMenu
    Next strMenu

    Exit Sub
    GARYNTX, Sep 1, 2004

    Matt W Guest

    Have you gotten any farther with this??
    If so, could you please post what you've got?
    In the meantime, I'm going to take a hack at it. This is something that I
    could certainly use. Seems like I've always got to reset profiles around
    here because people keep messing with things.

    Matt W

    I love deadlines
    I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.

    | I have a default profile that gets updated every so often
    | Other users are useing this profile as well so I have created a macro to
    reload the profile. The thing I want to do is get the information for all
    the old menus, pulldowns and toolbars that the user has and after the
    profile is set reload and reset the menus, etc. I got to the menus part but
    am lost on how to do the rest.
    | Here is what I got so far:
    | Sub ResetProfile()
    | Dim objPrefProfiles As AcadPreferencesProfiles, preferences As
    | Dim strProfileToImport As String, strMenu As Variant
    | Dim objMenus As New Collection, objMenu As AcadMenuGroup
    | Set objPrefProfiles = Application.preferences.Profiles
    | For Each objMenu In Application.MenuGroups
    | objMenus.Add objMenu.MenuFileName
    | Next objMenu
    | 'If the profile is current set the default current
    | Debug.Print objPrefProfiles.ActiveProfile
    | If objPrefProfiles.ActiveProfile = "Gary2005" Then
    | objPrefProfiles.ActiveProfile = "<<Unnamed Profile>>"
    | End If
    | ' Specify the profile to delete.
    | strProfileToImport = "Gary2005"
    | ' Delete the profile
    | ' The call will fail if "Gary2005" does not exist
    | On Error GoTo Error
    | objPrefProfiles.ImportProfile strProfileToImport,
    "D:\share\Gary2005.arg", True
    | 'Set the profile current
    | objPrefProfiles.ActiveProfile = strProfileToImport
    | 'Release the object pointer
    | Set objPrefProfiles = Nothing
    | 'Reload any old menus not associated with the new profile
    | On Error Resume Next
    | For Each strMenu In objMenus
    | Application.MenuGroups.Load strMenu
    | Next strMenu
    | Exit Sub
    | Error:
    Matt W, Sep 7, 2004
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