Requesting Layer LISP routine

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Scott Davis, Aug 5, 2004.

  1. Scott Davis

    Tom Smith Guest

    Dosn't sound like Scott is too happy with the built-in stuff does it?

    It sounded to me like he is seeking confirmation that importing a layer
    state will do what he requested : "create layers that are not present."
    Tom Smith, Aug 9, 2004
  2. Scott Davis

    Scott Davis Guest


    C'mon....eveyone has been helpful! I have found out things I didn't know,
    and other ways of thinking about how to do this. There is no right or wrong
    way to do this, but definately one way might be faster, cheaper, etc.

    I still have one question that originally sparked this, and now I'd like to
    know for future reference: Why does Excel add extra quote marks to cells
    which contain quotes upon a SaveAs to TXT?
    Scott Davis, Aug 9, 2004
  3. Scott Davis

    j.buzbee Guest

    it will create all 100 layers?

    Dosn't sound like Scott is too happy with the built-in stuff does it? If
    your not up to helping him with writing a customized routine maybe you
    should gracefully bow out and let him get some help.
    j.buzbee, Aug 9, 2004
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