Request for advice on rendering and animating AutoCAD 14 solid model mechanical assemblies and devic

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John2005, Oct 30, 2005.

  1. John2005

    John2005 Guest

    Hello everyone,

    I have a small mechanical mechanism modeled as 3D solids in AutoCAD 14.
    I need a way to use the models to make a presentation to both
    illustrate the operation principles, and show how the parts fit
    together and operate.

    I would like to do this in the form of a document with 3D drawings and
    rendered images, and supporting text. I would also like to animate the
    solid models, to show how everything fits together and assembles. I
    would also like to show the assembled device in operation (it's just
    basically a few rotating parts and some springs).

    Ideally the animation itself could be distributed in a format that
    could be played by Windows media player, quick-time, real-player or
    some other free viewer.

    I am using windows 98, (I know I need to upgrade) and I am looking for
    the least expensive way to render and animate the solid models. I would
    appreciate any advice or suggestions anyone can offer.

    For the written document, I thought of just pasting some rendered
    images and 3D drawings into a Microsoft word document, and then adding
    supporting written text. I could also possibly make a power-point
    presentation. AutoCAD 14 does not seem to render very well by todays
    standards, so I will probably have to find something else to render the
    solid models.

    As for the animations, I am not sure. I have seen some fantastic
    looking stuff made in 3D studio max, but that's very expensive like
    AutoCAD, and I would probably need an older version to run on windows
    98. They make some freeware rendering animation programs like Povray, but all of the programs like this that I have seen,
    don't really lend themselves to working with CAD files or 3D solid

    Hopefully there is some cost effective way for me to create the

    Thanks for your help.
    John2005, Oct 30, 2005
  2. John2005

    Marc Clamage Guest

    Try Accurender. It's extremely easy to use, quite inexpensive and runs from
    within AutoCAD. You can download a demo version from their site.

    However, Accurender doesn't do object animation. I've gotten around that by
    manipulating the objects and re-rendering for each frame, but it's a
    laborious, time consuming process. However, you could easily set up a
    "flyaround" animation in Accurender to look at your model.

    Download VideoMach to stitch together all your frames into an AVI file, add
    music, etc. It's shareware with nag screens that can be safely ignored.

    Marc Clamage, Oct 30, 2005
  3. John2005

    jochen Guest

    Hi John2005,
    I gave a little example how to simulate 3d-moves using AutoLISP at
    Notice that my method only works for open cinematic chains (translation- and
    In case of interest contact me
    jochen, Oct 31, 2005
  4. John2005

    John2005 Guest

    Hi Marc & Jochen,

    Thanks for your replies.

    Jochen, I looked at your website and the lisp animation routine looks

    However, once the animation is made within AutoCAD, how can I
    distribute the animation so people who do not have AutoCAD can view the
    animation ?

    John2005, Nov 1, 2005
  5. John2005

    jochen Guest

    My "real-time motion- simulation on screen" uses AutoLISP, i.e. you must
    have an AutoCAD (or an Intellicad or so)
    Sorry -
    jochen, Nov 1, 2005
  6. John2005

    tomcas Guest

    Why don't you just capture your screen as a video using AviScreen or
    CapturePad and distribute the animation as an AVI or other common form.
    tomcas, Nov 1, 2005
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