REQ: Layer convertor/merger

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ugly Prince, Jul 31, 2003.

  1. Ugly Prince

    Ugly Prince Guest

    I have a source drawing with too many layers. I want several layers to be merged in a single one with different
    colour and linetype settings. I want to make two text files by using the program each containing all the
    layer data like in list of layers. The program then shows a source and a target scroll window viewing those
    files. Then I would have to link one or several source layers to the target layer. These links I would like
    to save as well. So next time I open a source drawing I can convert it to my target drawing. Perhaps the
    link creation program should seperate the conversion part as the latter should be used more than the first.

    btw I work under Autocad2000 in milimetres.

    TIA, Frank
    Ugly Prince, Jul 31, 2003
  2. How much work have you done yourself to address this "problem" of yours?


    merged in a single one with different
    the program each containing all the
    a target scroll window viewing those
    target layer. These links I would like
    to my target drawing. Perhaps the
    should be used more than the first.
    Michael Bulatovich, Aug 1, 2003
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