REQ: Large Assembly Models (any format)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by dvanzile, Aug 16, 2005.

  1. dvanzile

    dvanzile Guest

    Anybody here here willing to share examples of some large assembly
    models (Any format)? I'm talking about the ones used in demos or
    documetation. Does anyone have access to anything interesting that is
    willing to share. Just curious... thanks!

    I have the snowmobile that solidworks demos if anyone is interested.
    It's very large so I would have to setup an FTP or something.

    My email is dvanzile3'NO-SPAM'
    Please remove 'NO-SPAM' when sending.
    dvanzile, Aug 16, 2005
  2. dvanzile

    dvanzile Guest

    Good Deal... I was trying to get that one a week or so ago.

    Upload to this FTP please...
    User: avalon
    Pwd: invcast01
    dvanzile, Aug 16, 2005
  3. dvanzile

    dvanzile Guest

    Hey Dale,

    I put that snowmobile out on my FTP in the Don Directory.
    Also, if you don't see in there already, could upload that V6 model?
    Thanks for sharing!
    User: avalon
    Pwd: invcast01
    dvanzile, Aug 16, 2005
  4. dvanzile

    Brian Guest

    Would it be OK if I also snagged that snowmobile model? I don't want to
    use your bandwidth without permission.
    Brian, Aug 16, 2005
  5. dvanzile

    Montie Guest

    Hey All,

    I'll be happy to post both models on my website.

    I'm interested in the snowmobile model as well.

    Montie, Aug 16, 2005
  6. dvanzile

    dvanzile Guest

    Sure! Go ahead and grab it.
    Thanks for asking.
    dvanzile, Aug 16, 2005
  7. dvanzile

    dvanzile Guest

    Thanks again Dale. Now where's your kitchen...? just kidding!
    dvanzile, Aug 16, 2005
  8. dvanzile

    Boat Guest

    There's also the (apparently mythical) inline-4 motorcycle engine that
    SPECapc "thrashes" around, and also their R/C buggy model. Both are native
    SW models, not imported surfaces. The m/c engine is especially interesting,
    even if it matches no real world engine. The tranny is mostly complete and
    working, missing only the shifter drum cam. The valve cover and some cam
    caps likewise don't fit; owner completion, I suppose. The glow engine in
    the buggy is also interesting, with realistic port timing. I enjoyed
    disassembling both, just as I did the real things as a youth and teenager.

    "Apparently mythical" because I could find no m/c engine with the same bore
    and stroke. It would otherwise be usable in a a semester long design/build
    project for a fleet of suicide karts.
    Boat, Aug 21, 2005
  9. dvanzile

    Boat Guest

    Alas, "future version". I don't suppose you have a 2005 version?

    (I didn't see the V6 in your FTP tree. I could upload that if you like.)
    Boat, Aug 21, 2005
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