req: Constructing angles "on the fly"

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by dave, Jul 9, 2003.

  1. dave

    dave Guest

    Hi ! I'm doing some 2D geometric constructions. I need to construct
    lines of known length/angle relative to existing oblique lines of
    unknown length/angle.

    1)I want to construct a line of given length starting at one end of an
    existing line of unknown length/angle and at a given angle to the
    2)I would like to construct a line of given start point/length which
    will pass through a second line of unknown length/angle, intersecting
    the latter at a given angle.

    I'm sure there must be an easy way to do this using polar coords &
    "snap from"; but I'm struggling, and would be grateful for the most
    elegant solution. Thanks in anticipation. Dave
    dave, Jul 9, 2003
  2. dave

    dave Guest

    Thanks John
    Seems to work fine.
    dave, Jul 13, 2003
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