Reprodesk Installation - Can't send jobs

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Grantus, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. Grantus

    Grantus Guest

    Hello CAD Masters!

    I have a client's system that I installed Reprodesk on. WinXP SP2 box,
    installed under Adminstrator, works fine, can view send, etc.

    When I logg on admin and allow client to log on, he can open and view,
    but when he hits send job and selects a send-to option, RD just closes
    the dialog, and proceeds no further. No errors or anything, just
    closes the dialog.

    Any ideas here? I have installed like this before and have not seen
    this error.

    Any ideas, reply here or to


    Grantus, Dec 1, 2004
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