Repost: GetLinks problem in Event function

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by weslleywang, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. weslleywang

    weslleywang Guest

    I have a function to check if any one change(delete, modify) the pline with link value, I will create a flag in the drawing (dictionary).
    Now I have a "Run-time error '-2147467259(80004005) Unspecified error" error at
    Set Links = DbConnect.GetLinks(, objIds, CAO.kEntityLinkType)

    Does this mean GetLinks does not work with the object within a ObjectModified Event? How should I make this work?

    Thank you a lot and I really appreaciate your help.


    Here is my code:

    Private Sub AcadDocument_ObjectErased(ByVal ObjectID As Long)

    AutoCADDatabaseChangedEvent ObjectID
    End Sub

    Public Function AutoCADDatabaseChangedEvent(ByVal ObjectID As Long)

    If IsRealSuiteRunning Then GoTo Final

    ' check if link object
    Dim colTmp As Collection
    Set colTmp = GetKeyValue3(ObjectID)

    If colTmp.Count > 0 Then
    If ReadProfile2(dictProfileName, dictDBKey) = 1 Then
    IsRealSuiteRunning = True
    WriteProfile2 dictProfileName, dictDBKey, 2
    End If
    End If

    End Function

    Function GetKeyValue3(ByVal ObjID As Long) As Collection
    Dim Ret As New Collection

    ' Init dbConnect
    Set DbConnect = GetInterfaceObject("CAO.DbConnect.16")

    Dim objIds(0 To 0) As Long
    objIds(0) = ObjID

    Dim Links As CAO.Links
    Set Links = DbConnect.GetLinks(, objIds, CAO.kEntityLinkType)
    ' Debug
    If DDebug < 5 Then MsgBox "Links.Count: " & Links.Count & vbCrLf & _
    ObjID & "-" & Links.Item(0).ObjectID, , "Debug"

    If Links Is Nothing Then GoTo Final

    Dim link As
    Dim Kvs As CAO.KeyValues
    Dim kv As CAO.KeyValue
    Dim kvEL As kvCol
    For Each link In Links
    Set Kvs = link.KeyValues

    ' iterate each KeyValue
    ' debug
    If DDebug < 20 Then
    For Each kv In Kvs
    MsgBox "Name:" & kv.FieldName & " Value:" & kv.Value, , "Debug"
    Next kv
    End If

    Set kvEL = New kvCol
    kvEL.KeyValue = Kvs(0).Value
    Ret.Add kvEL
    Next link

    Set Links = Nothing
    Set GetKeyValue3 = Ret
    End Function
    weslleywang, Sep 30, 2004
  2. weslleywang

    LochDhu Guest

    Your code looks fine, the problem may be that you are trying to reference an object that has been deleted. Try calling your function and passing a known ObjectID for an object that still existing in the DWG and see if you get the error.

    LochDhu, Sep 30, 2004
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