Replies to ad in email only please

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Anne Brown, Dec 6, 2004.

  1. Anne Brown

    Anne Brown Guest

    Everyone -

    You are replying to a 2001 post. Please take it to email as the
    original poster requested. The new answers have been removed.
    Pointing finger at the admin who didn't catch the original post
    in 2001 <--- me.
    Anne Brown
    Discussion Groups Administrator
    Autodesk, Inc.

    Looking for LISP Consultant
    Posted by: InterRealm
    Date: Jan/25/01 - 17:52 (GMT)

    I am looking for a LISP programmer to convert LISP routines from
    R14 to

    Local to Santa Rosa, California?


    Reply From: bruceclement
    Date: Jan/29/01 - 11:03 (GMT)

    Re: Looking for LISP Consultant
    Email me at . I'm in SF.
    Anne Brown, Dec 6, 2004
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