Replacing Drawing Sheet on Multiple Sheet Drawing Package

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jeff Zim, Dec 19, 2007.

  1. Jeff Zim

    Jeff Zim Guest

    Hello Everyone,

    I have run into a productivity challenge. I have approx. 30 drawing
    sets with each set containing between 7 to 10 sheets. Our customer has
    now given us a requirement of specified test sizes, justification and
    a new custom property that they want displayed in the title block.
    Rather than open each sheet individually and make these changes I
    created a new .slddrt template which incorporates these requirements.

    What I'm finding is I can't seem to insert this new sheet format
    across all the sheets in the drawing package at once. Does anyone know
    of a way to do this? If not does anyone know of a macro which would
    shuffle through all the sheets in a drawing package and replace the
    sheet format while deleting the existing notes? Would a macro like
    this be hard to create with the recorder. I have almost no macro
    creation experience. Any other ideas would be welcome.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Doing this task one sheet at a
    time will be very labor intensive and take more time than I have to
    complete the project.

    Jeff Zim, Dec 19, 2007
  2. Jeff Zim

    fcsuper Guest

    I just made a macro for my company that replaces sheet formats.
    There's an issue I discovered with SolidWorks that actually makes this
    more difficult than it should be. If you old sheet and your new sheet
    are in different directories and they have the same name, SolidWorks
    won't replace the old with the new, but will pretend it does.

    Anywho, as long as you don't have this problem, the method to use is
    SetupSheet4. Look it up in the API help and follow the example
    provided. It won't copy settings over, but if you have SW Pro, you
    can use Design Checker to help find the settings that need updating
    from file to file.

    Matt Lorono
    fcsuper, Dec 21, 2007
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