hello, i am looking for a(exsisting?) lisp that will replace a selected insertion with another block, retaining scale and orientation of the insert that has to be "swapped". the definition of the original block must be unchanged, because other inserts of that block have to remain unchanged, so a refedit will not do what i want. example: i have a groundplan with 20 insertions of the block "door1" with various insertion points and scales. 6 of those insertions i would like to change into block "door2", one by one would be ok, selecting all six of them would be great. a sequence of commands i can imagine: command: replaceblock.lsp select the insert(s) to replace get the insert's block orientation, insertion point, layer and color erase the insert(s) ask what new block insert to use insert the chosen block with the old orientation, insertion point, color and layer. any help will be appriciated, marc