Rephrased question - anyone want to quote plastic parts?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sporkman, Apr 28, 2005.

  1. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    I guess I sort of messed up in my earlier description. I'm talking
    about producing at least 100,000 per year and maybe substantially more
    than that. I'm also talking about at least 10 different injection
    molded parts, some of which will be double quantities. That's why I
    can't figure out why I can't get molders to respond. Seems to me they
    should be jumping out of their skins to quote for us, but it just ain't

    Sporkman, Apr 28, 2005
  2. Sporkman

    haulin79 Guest

    Usually, a company just doesn't pop out of nowhere needing that many
    parts without having a past history of vendors. You must already have
    prefered vendors.

    Anyone else have a guess why no injection molders are interested?

    Maybe you should write your request in Chinese? That's where are they
    are all made now! :)
    haulin79, Apr 28, 2005
  3. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Well, that's a good point, but this company is a bit of an exception all
    the way around. They DO have money, anyway. The product is potentially
    defense related, which is why they prefer American sources. Chinese
    mold MAKERS might be OK, but the parts need to be made in the US.
    Sporkman, Apr 28, 2005
  4. Sporkman

    MM Guest


    Sure had me goin there,,,

    So you want class "A" tooling ?? Whats the projected product life ??

    Product lifecycles are so short these days that alot of manufacturers are
    going to aluminum tooling for production. If you don't need millions of
    parts, it can be alot more cost effective. A million good parts from an
    aluminum tool isn't that hard to do, unless the material has alot of glass
    in it. Mostly it's in the way a molder handles the tool. You can't go
    digging a stuck part out with a screw driver for instance.

    Most of the class "A" houses I know are out here. There's a couple in
    particular I can guarantee will quote your parts. It is a long way off
    though. Let me know if you're interested


    MM, Apr 28, 2005
  5. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Product life is easily three years, and maybe much more. There's
    nothing else that can compete with the product at the same level, and
    all the necessary patents are filed. I've read 'em . . . a company
    would be hard pressed to work around 'em without infringing. I'm sure
    there'll be improvements, but the highest quality tooling would stand a
    fair chance of exhausting its useful life before major rebuild.

    Sporkman, Apr 28, 2005
  6. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Interesting points, John, and I'm sure that might explain some of it.
    As it turns out, the company that owns the invention DOES have a
    distribution channel . . . and if I say any more they might get slightly
    pissed at me.
    Sporkman, Apr 28, 2005
  7. Sporkman

    Mike Tripoli Guest


    If you are still looking for names, contact Peter Lawrence at
    Sonolite Plastics, Gloucester, MA. 978-281-0664. These guys have been
    there for over 30 years, do all sorts of quantities (they make short
    run government stuff to millions of parts; they make douche and enema
    tip nozzles by the millions!). They also have an expert toolmaker by
    the name of Clayton Carncross, Simple Tool Company (978-281-0684).
    Clay is an exceptional tool maker. He's the go to guy when you want
    +0/-.0001 parts.

    If you decide you can do this in China, let me know, I have a
    guy there that does beautiful tooling as well as great parts. Let me
    know and I can put you in contact.

    Tell them Mike Tripoli sent you (I've known these guys for
    over 20 years, they'll take care of you).

    Mike Tripoli
    Mike Tripoli, Apr 28, 2005
  8. Sporkman

    Mike Tripoli Guest


    I didn't see your second post before I responded. Sonolite are
    your guys for sure. They have a ton of experience working with the
    government and government contractors. They know their "stuff"
    forwards and back. Call Peter today; if Peter is not available, call
    Clay Carncross. You would be very hard pressed to find two better
    companies for these things. I have used them to make cases for
    military power semiconductors in the past. THey'v emade everything
    from "microwave" radio domes to intelligent keys for high security
    (and don't forget, douche tips and enema nozzles by the millions!).

    Mike Tripoli, Apr 28, 2005
  9. Sporkman

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Hell - I just want to know if enema tips and government

    I was sorta wondering if the millions of tips are disposable or (perish the
    thought) being lost....
    Jeff Howard, Apr 28, 2005
  10. Sporkman

    Mike Tripoli Guest

    They once calculated the number of douche tips that they make vs.
    women in the world. Given that they are one of three suppliers to this
    "very large douche company", they are contributing to a much larger
    user base. Anyway, if I remember correctly, it was something like 4
    douches per week for every woman in the country. Now, I have not asked
    every woman I met whether she douches or not, but this seemed quite
    extraordinary. AND THEN, they were told by the manufacturer that these
    things are very popular in some of the smaller countries around the
    world, however, they are FLAVORED (like grape, etc.) outside the USA.

    Some things you just wish you never knew...

    Mike Tripoli, Apr 28, 2005
  11. Sporkman

    grantmi1 Guest

    I manage an injection molding facility and we also build molds that are
    very high quality. We are a proprietary molder and custom molder so our
    prices are very competitive because we do not have as much overhead due
    to the proprietary parts. We have been in business 20+ years. You can
    contact Curtis Hope at he is our injection
    molding sales person.

    My name is Mike Grant and I am the lead process engineer and mold

    Mike Grant
    O'Ryan Industries
    grantmi1, Apr 28, 2005
  12. Sporkman

    grantmi1 Guest

    I guess I can't post email addresses, call us at 1-800-426-4311 and ask
    for Curtis.
    grantmi1, Apr 28, 2005
  13. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Thanks, Mike. I have several to contact now, but I WILL get in contact
    with Sonolite also.
    Sporkman, Apr 29, 2005
  14. The reason that not many are jumping out of their skins to quote your
    parts may be that they are unwilling to compete with Asian quotes, which
    usually run app. 20% of American quotes.
    G. De Angelis
    Guido De Angelis, Apr 30, 2005
  15. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Well, that's a GREAT way to remain competitive -- right? Just throw up
    your hands and give up . . .

    BUT, by the way, this is not the true scenario. In many areas many
    American moldmakers and molders have increased their productivity so
    much that they are now competitive with Asian sources. And I don't
    believe for one minute that they wouldn't be ready to jump in if that
    were the only consideration. Anyway, thanks to this post I now have
    several sources actively working on quoting. It's still a mystery why
    others just never responded back. I'm thinking that poor organization
    on the part of some individuals means that some things just fall between
    the cracks, and poor computer skills and downright stupidity may account
    for the rest.

    Sporkman, Apr 30, 2005
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