Repeatedly calling function using IPC

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by psalms_17, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. psalms_17

    psalms_17 Guest

    Hello! I'm just a beginner in developing a software.We're now
    developing a software using Tcl/Tk and SKILL. We have extracted data
    on schematic using SKILL function. We've transfer the data to the Tcl/
    Tk using IPC.

    But I have a problem. I made a funciton that will determine if the
    schematic is Part2 if it contains "vdc or idc" and Part2 if it
    contains "PPMU or DPS". On the first process( call of the function) it
    successfully determined the corresponding Part of the schematic but if
    I call this function again, the function does not gave the expected
    result. What is the problem? is it in IPC or in my function.

    procedure( PartChecking( strcvData )
    le( (instCellName)
    ATPPart = nil
    if( (memq("PPMU" instCellName) || (memq("DPS"
    ATPPart = "Part2"
    if( (memq("vdc" instCellName) ||
    (memq("idc" instCellName)
    ATPPart = "Part1"
    ); let

    Hope there will help me on this thing. Thank you and God bless! : )
    psalms_17, Jan 10, 2008
  2. psalms_17

    S. Badel Guest

    procedure( PartChecking( strcvData )
    I'm sorry, but your code doesn't make too much sense... Let alone the typo (le => let), you are
    defining a local variable (instCellName), which is not initialized (well, to nil by default), and
    then you are calling memq on this variable (which doesn't have a value).

    The argument strcvData is not used, and ATPPart is global. The return value of your function doesn't
    seem very well defined (unless you know what you are doing).

    What's this procedure exactly supposed to accept as parameter, and what's it's expected return value ?

    S. Badel, Jan 11, 2008
  3. psalms_17

    psalms_17 Guest

    It's okay by the way thank you for your comment. I'm in a hurry when I
    posted my question.Tnx...
    psalms_17, Jan 14, 2008
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