Repeat Regions

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Peter, Jul 11, 2006.

  1. Peter

    Peter Guest

    I need to know if it is possible in WF2 to create repeat regions that
    will list all the PIECES in a PART.
    The Company produces several models that are all similar with some of
    the parts being different sizes in each model. The parts and assemblies
    are created with Family tables.
    It was decided to create the DRAWINGS using the DEFAULT assembly and
    tables controlled with Repeat regions. These list the PART NAMES, PART
    NUMBERS, QUANTITY etc. of all the parts in the ASSEMBLY with separate
    tables below to list the differences between models.

    Some of the PIECES that make up the PARTS themselves have dimensions
    that are calculated with relations. Each of these dimensions has been
    changed to a NAMED dimension.
    Then each PART is created from the Default using Family tables and
    given a PART NUMBER that is used in the Assembly drawings.

    The problem is when I want to produce the PART drawings. It would be
    nice to list each PIECE in a table (like with the Assembly)
    automatically. But I have to enter each one manually, which is a pain,
    especially if more pieces are added or piece names are changed.
    But the main problem is that I need to have the varying dimensions
    listed automatically by PART NUMBER, in a table below. Without this I
    have to open each version of each part and get the required

    So to put it simply, I can't seem to create a repeat region for PARTS
    (only for assemblies).
    Second, I don't know how to access a NAMED dimension on a PIECE and
    have it list the real dim associated to the PART NUMBER (in a table in
    a PART drawing).

    I really appreciate the help that you gave me previously and any
    information that you can offer now.

    Peter, Jul 11, 2006
  2. Peter

    David Janes Guest

    You can create such a table. It will be a table of parameters contained in a
    family table. It's called a 2-D repeat region. There's a pretty good description
    of how to set one up in detailing help under table repeat regions. Naturally, for
    this to display what you want to see, the parameter, feature, dimension, etc.
    needs to be listed as a column in the family table, so you might have to add some
    David Janes, Jul 12, 2006
  3. Peter

    Peter Guest

    David, thanks for the answer, the family table and repeat region worked
    However I still have part of the problem.
    One of the dimensions is created with an equasion in RELATIONS while in
    SKETCH mode.
    This is on the generic model. To date there are 7 different size models
    that use this generic in the family tables
    The actual measurement of this part depends on the model chosen and the
    dimension has been renamed to H01. I can't put the H01 dimension in the
    family table because I don't know the correct dimension for each model.

    What I need to know is: Is it possible to include this dimension (and
    possibly others created with relations) in a table in a DRAWING so that
    the table will display each instance of the part name in one column
    with the correct H01 dimension in the column next to it?
    And of course, how I go about doing it.

    Thanks again
    Peter, Jul 12, 2006
  4. Peter

    David Janes Guest

    Peter, you seem to thiink it's significant that ssome feature dimension is
    created/governed in a sketch by a relation. It isn't really all that significant
    where it originates: it's still a feature dimension. So, for example, you create a
    relation in sketcher that says sd3=sd2*.7 and when you verify the relation and
    complete the feature, the value of one part of a feature is checked by another
    part of the same feature and is accessible only through the sketch. But, you'lll
    notice, that when you finish the sketch, sd3 has turned into d3, a feature
    dimension. So you change d3 to H01. When you create your family table, d3 or its
    alias, H01, should be available as a dimension when you select the feature it is
    attached to. And its value should update for every model where this value varies
    as a result of the operation of the sketcher relation. Honestly, I'm mystified by
    the problem. I've likely misunderstood something.
    David Janes, Jul 13, 2006
  5. Peter

    Peter Guest

    David, as usual it turns out to be something simple and stupid (on my
    When I added the named dimension (H01) to the Family table, I forgot to
    VERIFY (how dumb).
    So the dimension was shown correctly in the generic column and all
    other models had an asterisk to say that they are all the same as the
    This was reflected in the drawing table that also displayed the the
    same for each model.
    Thanks for taking the time and effort to help solve the problem.

    If I may, I have another question to ask. But this one probably doesn't
    have a simple solution (if any at all).
    I have created a PART which could be a simple weldment. It consists of
    a front plate, a back plate, a side plate and a top plate.
    As it is, I create a table with columns for ITEM#, NAME, DESCRIPTION,
    MATERIAL and QUANTITY and rows for each piece. I must add the
    information for each one manually.
    Is there a way to add a table to the drawing that will automatically
    list each of these pieces in the part, using the names in the MODEL
    Of course, I wouldn't want to include datums and holes etc.
    I don't mind reading this information, if it is possible, but I have
    read until my eyes bleed and I can't find what I need.
    Do you know if this can be done and where I can get the info?

    Thanks again
    Peter, Jul 13, 2006
  6. Peter

    David Janes Guest

    When I did weldments, they were not parts but assemblies. Each piece of the
    weldment had a rough and finish size; cuts were made in the pieces to simulate
    "squaring up" anything that needed preliminary machining. So, "cut" tables listed
    both sizes and this was done with parameters equated to rough and finish sizes.
    Your table doesn't seem to capture size information so I wonder what it's for.
    If this were an assembly, these things would easily correspond to repeat region
    parameters: rpt.index,, asm.mem.cparam.description,
    asm.mem.cparam.material, rpt.qty (cparam means "component parameter").
    Other than this, it is possible to make a family table composed of features, to
    pick features to include (which would seem to be all of them) and to include them
    by their name. I have no idea what this buys you but, for what it's worth, it is
    David Janes, Jul 14, 2006
  7. Peter

    Peter Guest

    David, thanks very much for all the useful info and if you start to
    feel good about 8:00 pm tonight, it is because I will be toasting to
    your good health with a couple of beers.
    And it probably won't do me any harm as well.
    Peter, Jul 14, 2006
  8. Peter

    David Janes Guest

    To your health and happiness! May fame and fortune follow! Cheers! And, forgive
    me, I started without you (it's Friday and I'm Irish)
    David Janes, Jul 14, 2006
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