Repeat Last Menu Command

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by GTVic, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. GTVic

    GTVic Guest

    Here is an example of a command in my menu file:

    [Rotate Block to Match]^C^C^P(if(null c:gwr)(load "gwr"))(c:gwr)

    After selecting this command once it does not get registered as the last command. So if you right-click afterwards you will not see "Repeat GWR" on the pop-up menu.

    Is there any way to fix this so the command is repeatable via the right-click menu?
    GTVic, Dec 1, 2004
  2. Hi,

    Change it to:
    [Rotate Block to Match]^C^C^P(if(null c:gwr)(load "gwr"));gwr
    and test.
    Laurie Comerford, Dec 1, 2004
  3. GTVic

    GTVic Guest

    Thanks for the hint!

    I changed it to:
    [Rotate Block to Match]^C^C^P(if(null c:gwr)(load "gwr"))(princ);^PGWR

    With the extra ^P the command name is visible and the (princ) prevents a 'nil' from being displayed on the command line.
    GTVic, Dec 1, 2004
  4. GTVic

    Oberer Guest

    Thanks Laurie. I've been trying to track this one down for a while, and kept reading about the "*" (which never seemed to work).
    I tried your suggestion above, and it works wonderfully!
    Oberer, Jan 31, 2005
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