Hi all, I was hoping some one could help. I am rather new to SW, so please forgive me if I get some jargon wrong. I have an multibody part that I used a Save Bodies feature to break out the pieces to use in an assembly. It all worked good enough, but I needed to make a change or two to the parts. So I edited the master part and it still looked good, except I found that the Save Bodies command failed (last feature). I think I got in trouble because I did not notice that when I redefided the Save Bodies feature that some of the bodies were still hidden (which is what I think caused the failure). So, on first glance it looked ok and I let it rebuild the feature. The result was that the hidden bodies did not get saved. Since they were in session in the assembly, when I went back in to redifine the Save Bodies feature again, it would not accept the same names for the missing bodies. The result was that I had to drop out and restart SW, resave the bodies by replacing the original breakout files. So I lost all down stream features at that point. Not a big deal since it was only a few things in each part, but it could have been worse. My question is, what is the proper method if any to get the save bodies to use the existing references if this were to happen again. I hope my explanation was clear enough. Thanks in advance. Dave