Reordering offset x-section (WF2)

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Vitomir Djoric, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. How to do it?

    Offset x-section doing just fine until you want to redefine its
    section when all later features becomes suppressed. Result is that I
    can't reference suppressed features during redefining x-section
    section. Optimal will be if I can reorder x-section to the bottom of
    the model tree.

    Vitomir Djoric, Jul 21, 2004
  2. Vitomir Djoric

    David Janes Guest

    : How to do it?
    : Offset x-section doing just fine until you want to redefine its
    : section when all later features becomes suppressed.

    First, we are talking about normal Pro/e parent/child relations: later doesn't
    effect earlier, children don't effect parents. An 'offset section' is just a
    simple sketched section. If all the geometry that was used to create the sketch is
    still present, the sketch should not fail. If you suppress the parent features of
    a sketch, then the sketch will fail.

    One solution to sorting out what you want to reference (i.e., what will not later
    be suppressed from what will) is to suppress the features before you create the
    offset section.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jul 22, 2004
  3. Vitomir Djoric

    David Janes Guest

    : Offset x-section doing just fine until you want to redefine its
    : section when all later features becomes suppressed. Result is that I
    : can't reference suppressed features during redefining x-section
    : section. Optimal will be if I can reorder x-section to the bottom of
    : the model tree.
    I realized, after reading the last sentence again, Vito, that I'd missed
    correcting a misunderstanding: you can't reorder sections, they're not features.
    You can have dozens, hundreds of sections (often the case with complicated
    castings); not one of them appears in the model tree. As a sketched cutting plane,
    the offset section creation loosely depends on references to existing geometry. If
    you want to cut down the middle of a hole, you'll probably reference an axis. But
    you'll undoubtedly have noticed that the offset section doesn't disappear when the
    referenced geometry is suppressed. It doesn't even lose references, become
    orphaned and give errors ~ most unusual in Pro/e, but this is because it is not
    based on the typical feature's parent/child relationship.

    To deal with this problem of redefining, you could temporarily unsuppress the
    features you want to use for redefining the section. Or do something that is based
    on this process and captured in a simplified representation of the part. The
    Master Rep would have all the features, the Casting rep would have all the
    machined features suppressed, etc. You could have any number of other reps showing
    the part at different stages of manufacture. Or you could have one for stress
    analysis with all the fillets removed to reduce the work needed to mesh the
    casting. When you needed to redefine or create a cross section, you'd just open
    the rep with the needed geometry. It's a little mmore work to set them up but the
    flexibility it offers for dealing with complex parts is a great advantage down the

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jul 25, 2004
  4. I think it is to bad that it's not possible to reorder x-sections.
    If you create an x-section then adds more features to your
    part or more parts in your assembly it some times causes

    If you want to relate your old x-section to theses new features
    or parts it is not possible, because they are created after the
    x-setion they are not visible to relate to.

    I agree with the first poster that it would be optimal to be able
    to put the x-sections at the bottom of the modeltree or if ProE
    automatically always put it there.

    It might be sufficient if there where some kind of indication
    where in the model tree the x-section is so all features or
    parts could be moved before the x-section before redefining.
    But the x-section is completely invisible (as far as I know)
    The only workaround (for offset x-sections) I know of is to
    create a curve where I want the x-section and then relate
    the x-section to the curve. I don't like this method but then
    I can se where in the tree my x-section is and move it around.

    ProE - workaround heaven ...

    Bjorn Ljungdahl, Jul 26, 2004
  5. Vitomir Djoric

    David Janes Guest

    : >: Offset x-section doing just fine until you want to redefine its
    : >: section when all later features becomes suppressed. Result is that I
    : >: can't reference suppressed features during redefining x-section
    : >: section. Optimal will be if I can reorder x-section to the bottom of
    : >: the model tree.
    : >:
    : >I realized, after reading the last sentence again, Vito, that I'd missed
    : >correcting a misunderstanding: you can't reorder sections, they're not
    : >You can have dozens, hundreds of sections (often the case with complicated
    : >castings); not one of them appears in the model tree. As a sketched cutting
    : >the offset section creation loosely depends on references to existing geometry.
    : >you want to cut down the middle of a hole, you'll probably reference an axis.
    : >you'll undoubtedly have noticed that the offset section doesn't disappear when
    : >referenced geometry is suppressed. It doesn't even lose references, become
    : >orphaned and give errors ~ most unusual in Pro/e, but this is because it is not
    : >based on the typical feature's parent/child relationship.
    : >
    : >To deal with this problem of redefining, you could temporarily unsuppress the
    : >features you want to use for redefining the section. Or do something that is
    : >on this process and captured in a simplified representation of the part. The
    : >Master Rep would have all the features, the Casting rep would have all the
    : >machined features suppressed, etc. You could have any number of other reps
    : >the part at different stages of manufacture. Or you could have one for stress
    : >analysis with all the fillets removed to reduce the work needed to mesh the
    : >casting. When you needed to redefine or create a cross section, you'd just open
    : >the rep with the needed geometry. It's a little mmore work to set them up but
    : >flexibility it offers for dealing with complex parts is a great advantage down
    : >road.
    : >
    : I think it is to bad that it's not possible to reorder x-sections.
    : If you create an x-section then adds more features to your
    : part or more parts in your assembly it some times causes
    : trouble.
    The nice thing about sections is that they are not history dependent any more than
    the named views are. In fact, in part mode anyway, you can create sections with no
    more geometry than the default datums. As you create your solid geometry, you can
    watch get sectioned by your cutting planes as you add featues which intersect that
    plane. If this came up for a vote (make it history dependent, thus requiring it to
    be placed in a certain order, or leave it as it is), I'd vote to leave it. I
    haven't heard a convincing argument for changing it.

    : If you want to relate your old x-section to theses new features
    : or parts it is not possible, because they are created after the
    : x-setion they are not visible to relate to.
    This should not be the case. It should be irrelevant when the section was created
    and order of creation does not decide what is included in the section. Assembly
    sectioning is a little different. Because components can be included/excluded from
    the section, later components have to be deliberately added to the section by

    : I agree with the first poster that it would be optimal to be able
    : to put the x-sections at the bottom of the modeltree or if ProE
    : automatically always put it there.
    : It might be sufficient if there where some kind of indication
    : where in the model tree the x-section is so all features or
    : parts could be moved before the x-section before redefining.
    : But the x-section is completely invisible (as far as I know)

    I'm not sure what you are referring to by saying the section is invisible. It will
    be until you go into the section creation/maintenance interface under 'Tools>Model
    Sectioning', pick the section name and check 'Show section'. With planar sections,
    you can even make it clip the solid part, front or back, to 'see inside'. New
    features created after the section was created will also show in the section view.
    They have to show up ~ there's no option, short of suppressing the feature, to
    keep it from showing up or to exclude a feature from a section.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jul 30, 2004
  6. Actually they are history dependent in a way. When an offset
    x-section is created it is placed in the model tree and features
    created after that is placed after the x-section in history.
    Although the whole part will be x-sectioned, the x-section
    feature will be in the middle of the tree somewhere, 'invisible'.
    Same thing with assembly offset x-sections.
    Try this. Create a box. Create an offset x-section straight
    through the box. Then create a hole in the box where the
    x-section isn't. Now try to redefine the sketch of the x-section
    so it goes through the hole, relate it to the hole axis for
    example. You can't.
    You won't see the hole when redefining the sketch since it
    is later in history than the x-section. Therefore it should be
    possible to reorder, or the x-section feature always be
    placed last in the history tree.
    What I meant by invisible was that you can't se the x-section
    feature in the model tree. I know you can turn on/off visibility
    for the section in the 'Show section' menu.
    I'm referring to an x-section as a feature even though it might
    not be a 'real' feature. Maybe it should be.

    Bjorn Ljungdahl, Jul 30, 2004
  7. Vitomir Djoric

    David Janes Guest

    : Try this. Create a box. Create an offset x-section straight
    : through the box. Then create a hole in the box where the
    : x-section isn't. Now try to redefine the sketch of the x-section
    : so it goes through the hole, relate it to the hole axis for
    : example. You can't.

    I see now what you're talking about. A hole created later than the cross section
    will appear in the section if placed on the cut plane. But doesn't show up when
    redefining because the section sketch is, after all, just a sketch and dependent
    on a model 'snapshot', a picture at a point in time.

    : You won't see the hole when redefining the sketch since it
    : is later in history than the x-section. Therefore it should be
    : possible to reorder, or the x-section feature always be
    : placed last in the history tree.
    When I got it to work (by reordering the hole before the section) and got the
    section successfully redefined, the message says 'Feature successfully redefined'.
    If it's a feature, why doesn't it show up in the model tree? And, since it is, in
    fact, history dependent, you should be able to reorder it. Have you submitted this
    as an SPR? You really should, this needs to be fixed.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jul 30, 2004
  8. I haven't thought about submitting an SPR, I've just been agitated
    when I've been in this situation but accepted the fact. Should be
    an 'easy' thing for PTC to fix :)
    I also don't know how to do and SPR, but I guess it is explained
    on their homepage.
    Thank you for your input.

    Bjorn Ljungdahl, Jul 31, 2004
  9. Vitomir Djoric

    David Janes Guest

    : >
    : >: Try this. Create a box. Create an offset x-section straight
    : >: through the box. Then create a hole in the box where the
    : >: x-section isn't. Now try to redefine the sketch of the x-section
    : >: so it goes through the hole, relate it to the hole axis for
    : >: example. You can't.
    : >
    : >I see now what you're talking about. A hole created later than the cross
    : >will appear in the section if placed on the cut plane. But doesn't show up when
    : >redefining because the section sketch is, after all, just a sketch and
    : >on a model 'snapshot', a picture at a point in time.
    : >
    : >: You won't see the hole when redefining the sketch since it
    : >: is later in history than the x-section. Therefore it should be
    : >: possible to reorder, or the x-section feature always be
    : >: placed last in the history tree.
    : >:
    : >When I got it to work (by reordering the hole before the section) and got the
    : >section successfully redefined, the message says 'Feature successfully
    : >If it's a feature, why doesn't it show up in the model tree? And, since it is,
    : >fact, history dependent, you should be able to reorder it. Have you submitted
    : >as an SPR? You really should, this needs to be fixed.
    : >
    : I haven't thought about submitting an SPR, I've just been agitated
    : when I've been in this situation but accepted the fact. Should be
    : an 'easy' thing for PTC to fix :)

    You've already done the hard part ~ identifying the problem, documenting and
    explaining the solution. As to how hard to fix, PTC is moving more and more into
    making sketches independent features that other features can use. Seems like this
    would be an excellent time to do the same with the offset section sketch, making
    it more of a feature, manipulable in the Model Tree. It's something they can do as
    they convert functions to the Dashboard paradigm.

    : I also don't know how to do and SPR, but I guess it is explained
    : on their homepage.

    This topic has been discussed before in the group. If you do an Advanced Groups
    search on this group in Google, you'll find a couple recent ones with some help on
    how to go about it. Apparently, the only difficulty is that you (or your company)
    needs to be on a maintenance plan. You have to pay them to listen. But once you
    get past that, the enhancement process is documented and explained on their

    : Thank you for your input.
    You're welcome. But I'm sure you were more help than I was. See it through with an
    enhancement request.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jul 31, 2004
  10. Vitomir Djoric

    S.T. Guest

    What makes it even more discouraging in regards to the inability to Reorder
    'Offset X-sections', is the fact that 'Offset X-sections' are actually
    'Cosmetic' features. If you choose Program-Edit Design in Release 2001, as
    an example, and scroll through the model's feature list, you will see a
    'Cosmetic' feature even if you didn't create a sketched 'Cosmetic' feature
    in the model. Now this tells me that PTC really and truly should be able to
    offer its customers the ability to Reorder 'Offset X-sections' relatively
    easy--considering the fact that they are already treated as 'Cosmetic'
    features. Even though they DON'T show up in the Model Tree. To quote David
    Janes, this is another aspect of the Pro/GOOFY module. ;-)

    S.T., Aug 19, 2004
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