Reorder Weldment Cutlist items?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by overhere, Oct 10, 2005.

  1. overhere

    overhere Guest

    In SW2005 is there a way to reorder the cutlist items, I've looked and
    looked, and it's either staring me in the face or it's not there...:eek:/


    -second sending, didn't see my first post..
    overhere, Oct 10, 2005
  2. overhere

    SteveT Guest

    yup I just did a quick test here -- adding another column is a really nice

    1. add a column in the weldment cut list called TEMP right next to item
    number column
    2. number the cells according to the order you want the items listed.
    3. right click on the TEMP column & chose "sort" --> "ascending."
    4. delete the TEMP column

    you now have a reordered cut list.

    Hope this helps
    Steve T.
    SteveT, Oct 10, 2005
  3. I haven't looked or tried it, but can you hide the temp column rather than
    deleting it? The advantage would be easier subsequent changes.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 10, 2005
  4. overhere

    SteveT Guest

    That sounds like a good idea too!

    Steve T.

    SteveT, Oct 10, 2005
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