Reopening the "slow saves" thread (was "Dell Precisions...")

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Andrew Troup, Jul 16, 2003.

  1. Andrew Troup

    Andrew Troup Guest


    We've struck slow saves of local assemblies and drawings (with entirely
    local referenced parts) as an incremental creeping degenerative sickness
    (never experienced prior to SWks 2003)

    As others have reported, the problem disappears when you don't connect to
    the network. The ratio of save times gets as bad as 40:1 when connected and
    logged on.

    What we also noticed though, was that if you log on as a different network
    user (with the same level of access priveleges) so that a new profile gets
    created on the local machine, the problem disappears.

    So what we look like having to do is regularly re-create our profiles.

    I can't explain why this seems to get worse over time. It is not just the
    accumulation of SWD123.tmp files, swxauto etc, because ditching these does
    not help us.

    Any thoughts?
    Andrew Troup, Jul 16, 2003
  2. Andrew Troup

    Andrew Troup Guest

    To clarify the behaviour in my message above:

    When logged on (using a local profile, not roaming) as the usual user of a
    CAD station, and connected to the network, we are getting SLOOOW saves of
    SldWks assemblies and drawings from the moment they are opened. No changes,
    no nothing. ALL referenced files live on the local hard disk.
    I'm talking 40 seconds to save such a drawing, which, if you logged on as a
    different user, would take 2 seconds in the (otherwise) exact same scenario.
    If you make a change or two, time stands still. Actually, not strictly true:
    Aeons leak by.

    This is across different hardware platforms and OSs, but only affects SldWks

    Any thoughts?

    The only fix we have found, which presumably just gives temporary relief:

    -Log on as a local administrator (must not be the slow user's logon)
    -Copy the 'slow' user's profile to a temporary folder,
    (be sure to "show hidden files")
    -Delete the old profile
    -Log on as the formerly slow user, to create a new user profile
    -Log on as local administrator again
    -Copy all the files back, or (preferably) leave most of the profile on a
    different partition from C: and (after Logging on as the formerly slow user)
    use TweakUI to point that user's desktop, favourites, Start Menu, etc etc
    etc to the new profile location. (To save future embarassment, the
    quasi-profile folder should have the same name as the dinkum version on the
    C: drive)
    If you use Outlook Express, it may pay to use
    "Tools/Options/Maintenance/Store Folder" to create a message store folder at
    the top level of the new quasi-profile folder. The default one is buried SO
    deep in your profile that you have to be into cave-diving to find it.

    The main advantage of this remote quasi-profile folder is that you will no
    longer run out of C: headroom when SolidWorks secret-squirrels an extra GB
    or more of temporary files away in its dark recesses.
    XP, incidentally, needs WAY more headroom that Win2k did

    It also means that if you have to rebuild the C: partition, most of your
    profile is retained.
    Andrew Troup, Jul 18, 2003
  3. scenario.

    A long, long time ago (99?), so long ago that I can't remember what the
    problem with SW was, we also had to create new users after a relatively
    short period of time to get things back to normal. Someone figured out that
    editting the registry could fix the problem without making a new user. The
    easy way to do this was to copy the relevant piece of the registry out on to
    my desktop, then double-click on the icon when SW got strange, copying the
    original settings on top of the screwed up ones. Perhaps you could try
    copying all of the SW user-related registry out and see if it works. Seems
    like it would be easier than making new user profiles.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Jul 18, 2003
  4. Andrew Troup

    Andrew Troup Guest

    Thanks Jerry

    Presumably the trick is to copy the user portion of the registry before
    things go bad (which, having just created a new user profile, is pretty much
    now for me)

    We'll give that a try

    It's curious that we're getting this across many users and platforms, yet
    no-one else on this NG seems to have reported a linkage (between user
    profiles and slow saves) with 2003
    Andrew Troup, Jul 20, 2003
  5. Andrew Troup

    Andrew Troup Guest

    Re our "Slow Saves", I'm embarassed to report that it was due to the option
    "Save edrawings data with document" being turned on.
    (Tools/Options/System Options/General)
    The speed difference in our test case took the save time (for a drawing of
    an assembly) from 1 sec to 35 seconds

    Editing the registry, or creating a new profile (as we've been doing), is
    like sorting out a mosquito with a baseball bat.

    (rueful grin)
    Andrew Troup, Jul 22, 2003
  6. Andrew Troup

    kenneth b Guest


    I went down that road with '01 plus, makes you want to scream.

    FWIW, I believe SW '03 sp3 and higher no longer need this switch (edrawings
    now has the ability to open any SW document).
    kenneth b, Jul 22, 2003
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