Rendering with two Mirrors

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Tom Chasteen, Apr 16, 2004.

  1. Tom Chasteen

    Tom Chasteen Guest

    Is it possible in PW2 to get reflections bounced off of two mirrors? (i.e.
    a periscope)?

    I can get reflection from either mirror one at a time, but can't get the
    pair to reflect.

    Tom Chasteen, Apr 16, 2004
  2. Yes, it is. When PWx-2 first came out I did one of those infinite mirror
    things, where I had a two way mirror and a regular mirror on opposite sides
    of a candle - had candle reflections go off into the distance (actually
    about 30 reflections, but it was enough to get the point)
    Under document properties, be sure to activate 'ray tracing', enable depth
    settings, and set the number of reflections up to what you need. If the
    light ray can only bounce twice, that is all it will do even if you set the
    number up to 20. FYI - old PWx used 4 reflections, which is a pretty darn
    good place to start.
    Edward T Eaton, Apr 16, 2004
  3. Tom Chasteen

    Tom Chasteen Guest


    Thanks! I had just found the options setting for number of reflections. It

    Thanks again for your reply.

    Tom Chasteen, Apr 16, 2004
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