Rendering LED displays in SW

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by richms, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. richms

    richms Guest

    I have been battling with this for some time.

    How for example would I render an LED display, such as found on a
    typical clock radio etc.

    I have made a block, and made it grey plastic, and extrude cut the
    shapes of the segments thru it. From the same sketch I have extruded a
    1mm deep front and turned off merge result, this body I am trying
    different transparent, translucent and even dilectric materials on,
    with either them looking like glass where you can see into the display,
    or else it not being illuminated from the point lights I have placed
    within the recessed in the main body I have made.

    I also would like to know how to have for example an LED illuminating a
    small translucent window in the body of something, for example the
    activity LEDs on a switch or router where the LED isnt visable, just
    its glow on a sticker over a hole in the casing.

    Im getting the feeling that this is somethign that photoworks does not
    excel at, but I am sure there must be a way to do this.
    richms, Jul 21, 2006
  2. richms

    Rock Guy Guest


    Send me an e-mail at my website and I'll send you
    a slide of what you could try. You're right, PhotoWorks doesn't excell
    at this but there are work arounds.
    Rock Guy, Jul 21, 2006
  3. richms

    ken.maren Guest


    The best effect that I have gotten is to actually add a spot light to
    the final assy and make it a small cone and turn it up all the way the
    same color you want the LED to be with the LED being the same color
    glass as the light. Rob's suggestions will probably be better than
    mine but I just wanted to throw another option out there.

    ken.maren, Jul 21, 2006
  4. richms

    JJ Guest

    My first quess would be to use a material with a 'constant' material
    type (illumination tab) and use indirect illumination to get the glow
    on the rest of the model.

    Kind regards,


    JJ, Jul 25, 2006
  5. richms

    JJ Guest

    JJ, Jul 25, 2006
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