Rendering inside a room using hide/show

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bob, Mar 3, 2004.

  1. Bob

    Bob Guest

    I finally wanted to do a rendering using this technique and it doesn't seem
    to work in 2004 SP2.1

    The view is redrawn when switching on the "show" for the room and I end up
    looking at the outside wall of the room. Do I need to turn a switch off
    somewhere or is this no longer an acceptable technique for 2004?
    Thanks for you insights.
    Bob, Toronto
    Bob, Mar 3, 2004
  2. Bob,

    It should work, I just tested and it still works in sp2.1
    What maybe the problem is the size of your room?
    Make sure the size of the room or the fore walls are at least 5X in
    size/distance away from your objects.
    And, if that is not enough, increase the factor to 10X.
    Also, make sure you have perspective "on" and modify the perspective
    value if need be, say.. 1.0 instead of the 3.0 default.
    And lastly, if the room is closed, that is, there are no windows or
    doors, make sure there are light sources inside the room or light is
    coming in through the openings in the room.

    Paul Salvador, Mar 3, 2004
  3. Bob

    Bob Guest

    Hi Paul,
    Thanks for your suggestions but it still doesn't seem to work. I pushed out
    to a 50:1 ratio, knocked out the floor thinking that was the problem. I
    tried the perspective to as low as .1

    It's not a lighting problem since, if I line up a hole in the room with the
    object, I can see the object lit through the hole.

    All seems well after I "show" the room and I don't see the walls (as long as
    I don't walk the mouse over the view area). I sneak my mouse up to the PW
    render icon but the room walls appear with the start of rendering. I've
    "unclicked" most things in PW System Options including "Clear image before

    Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I'm using a VX1 Oxygen card but it's
    been good for everything but "Realview" so far.

    Bob, Mar 4, 2004
  4. Bob,

    What it could be is there's a entity in the object file which is going
    outside the room?
    That is, sometimes entities or planes which are not visible will still
    effect the "bounding box" and that bounding box is outside your room?
    But, you would not likely see the inside of the room after the show.. so
    that's puzzling..

    BTW, I have clear image before rendering "on" and it does not effect the
    Maybe the VX1 clears/adjust the z-buffer some how??

    Try this,.. Tools/Options/Performance/Use Software OpenGL
    (I grasping here because it does not effect me either way)

    As for removing the floor, I don't see how that would effect anything?

    As for the light in the room,.. don't be fooled with seeing something,
    make sure when editing the light source that it is clearly inside the

    Otherwise, I don't know??

    Paul Salvador, Mar 4, 2004
  5. Bob

    Bob Guest

    Hi Paul,
    Thanks again but no luck. I tried with a small cube as my object to make
    sure nothing was extending outward. Tried with and without the floor. I
    didn't place a light inside the room, but it's seems clear that it is
    rendering the outside of the wall and blocking the view.

    I looked at the OpenGL default but it was unchecked and grey. I do have
    OpenGL and, without any assembly file open, I can click it. Once an assembly
    is opened the box goes grey.

    Since everything else seems to be working fine for me, and I'm spending
    toooo much time on this issue, I think I will try again when I have more
    time to burn. In the worst case I'll just cut a view hole through the room
    wall and zoom to the object. Odds are I won't have a shadow from the view
    hole causing any visual damage. Still it's a pain and I'd love to do it the

    Thanks again.
    Bob, Mar 4, 2004
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