rendering clear acrylic

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Zander, Aug 27, 2005.

  1. Zander

    Zander Guest

    Hi all,

    I have some parts modelled as sheet metal, with multiple folds and
    radiused bends etc. The parts are made of acrylic, so when I'm
    rendering in photoworks I'm using a very transparent glass material
    with low refraction etc.

    Problem is that PW always shows black faces some of the radius bends or
    on material edges no matter how many reflection and refractions I set
    in the PW options (well I've tried up to 8/12).

    Is there an easier way to achieve total transparency in this situation.
    The rendering times go through the roof using indirect illumination
    and very high reflection/refraction values.

    Zander, Aug 27, 2005
  2. Zander

    ed1701 Guest

    See what happens witha refraction of 1 (really no refraction). If the
    black spots go away then tweak up to bend the light enough to simulate
    glass without getting those black regions.
    ed1701, Aug 31, 2005
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